– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 3 March 2003.
Question S1W-34207
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will reconsider its decision not to allocate aggregates levy proceeds on a geographical basis or in proportion to the amount raised by the levy in a particular area.
Part of the proceeds of the aggregates levy is available to support communities affected by aggregates extraction through community environmental renewal grants. Grants are available to projects which address the environmental effects of past or present aggregates extraction, involve the local community and have demonstrable social and/or economic benefit to the local community. It is open to any community affected by aggregates extraction to devise a project in accordance with the criteria.
Grants were allocated according to merit by a Grants Panel, rather than on a geographical basis or in proportion to the amount raised by the levy in a particular area. The panel included representatives from COSLA, community councils, the aggregates industry, Scottish Natural Heritage and Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
Any geographical or pro rata allocation of the proceeds of the levy would to some extent be arbitrary. For example, basing allocations on the current proceeds of the levy would disadvantage those areas that are affected by former extraction sites no longer in production. For that reason, we believe that a single national scheme to which all communities have equal access is the best approach.
Further grants will be available in 2003-04. I will be looking to Forward Scotland, who will administer the 2003-04 scheme, to promote the scheme to communities which have not benefited from grants this year.
Yes1 person thinks so
No0 people think not
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