Medical Research

– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 28 January 2003.

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Photo of Sandra White Sandra White Scottish National Party

Question S1W-33345

To ask the Scottish Executive how it supports the work of the Medical Research Council.

Photo of Malcolm Chisholm Malcolm Chisholm Labour

The Scottish Executive Health Department (SEHD), together with other UK Health Departments, collaborates with the Medical Research Council (MRC) through a formal Concordat which aims to develop and maintain an effective partnership for the promotion, funding and management of UK medical research.

SEHD takes account of MRC research strategies when making decisions about its own future research funding. This would include considerations about whether to fund studies on specific areas of research only within Scotland or to collaborate with the MRC in UK-wide programmes.

At an operational level, the Chief Scientist Office within SEHD is actively engaged in funding research initiatives jointly with the MRC, namely the core-funding of two research units based in Glasgow and the funding of Research Training Fellowships, two of which are currently being supported over a three-year period.

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