Water Fluoridation

– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 16 October 2002.

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Photo of Mary Scanlon Mary Scanlon Conservative

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To ask the Scottish Executive whether any evidence is available to link fluoridation of the water supply to cancer, brittle bone disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Photo of Mary Scanlon Mary Scanlon Conservative

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To ask the Scottish Executive whether it can give assurances that fluoridation of the water supply will not have an adverse effect on people’s health.

Photo of Mary Scanlon Mary Scanlon Conservative

Question S1W-30197

To ask the Scottish Executive whether any evidence is available showing the effects of fluoridation of the water supply on the immune system.

Photo of Malcolm Chisholm Malcolm Chisholm Labour

As described in the consultation document Towards Better Oral Health in Children , issued on 24 September 2002, an expert scientific review, published in 2000, concluded that, aside from a possible increase in the prevalence of dental fluorosis of aesthetic concern, there is no evidence of other adverse effects on health, where fluoride is used at recommended doses.

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