Wednesday, 22 June 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive how many children of asylum seekers there were in schools in Scotland in (a) 2001, (b) 2002, (c) 2003 and (d) 2004, broken down by local authority area and (i)...
To ask the Scottish Executive how many children of refugees there were in schools in Scotland in (a) 2001, (b) 2002, (c) 2003 and (d) 2004, broken down by local authority area and (i) primary and...
To ask the Scottish Executive how many children are currently diagnosed with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in each local authority area.
To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to increase the focus on mental well-being and self esteem in primary and secondary school education.
To ask the Scottish Executive how many homes there have been in each council tax band, broken down by year, since the introduction of the council tax.
To ask the Scottish Executive how many crimes of (a) abuse, (b) disorderly conduct, (c) theft, and (d) murder were reported to have taken place in licensed premises in the last five years.
To ask the Scottish Executive how it monitors the scale of knife attacks in Glasgow.
To ask the Scottish Executive what statistics it holds on the scale of knife carrying among 16 to 25-year-olds in Glasgow.
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-27324 by Dr Richard Simpson on 6 August 2002, how many CCTV schemes have now been evaluated and how many of these evaluations...
To ask the Scottish Executive whether drug testing and treatment orders are available in every local authority area and, if not, in which areas such orders are not available.
To ask the Scottish Executive what the current definition is of dyslexia.
To ask the Scottish Executive what criteria are applied in defining dyslexia.
To ask the Scottish Executive how many pupils are diagnosed as dyslexic in each local authority area, expressed also as a percentage of all schoolchildren in the local authority area.
To ask the Scottish Executive how many equality impact assessment staff were allocated to each (a) primary and (b) secondary school in (i) 2001, (ii) 2002, (iii) 2003 and (iv) 2004, broken down...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-17017 by Cathy Jamieson on 13 June 2005, how many offences involving air guns there were in each of the last four years,...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-16168 by Mr Jim Wallace on 18 June 2001, how many robberies involving (a) firearms and (b) handguns were committed in (a)...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-15432 by Cathy Jamieson on 14 April 2005, whether it will designate the operators of future privately managed prisons as...
To ask the Scottish Executive on what date the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland scheme will become operational.
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S2W-16268 and S2W-16451 by Mr Tom McCabe on 11 and 26 May 2005, whether it was aware of a specific launch date for The Fresh...
To ask the Scottish Executive what value of land and buildings in Scotland is owned by (a) individuals, businesses and organisations, including government, that are resident and/or registered in...
To ask the Scottish Executive how many male prisoners with mental health problems have committed suicide in each of the last five years, broken down by (a) age and (b) prison.
To ask the Scottish Executive what criteria are applied in defining a healthy option on prison menus.
To ask the Scottish Executive under what circumstances it would be appropriate to remove standard electrical equipment from prison cells.
To ask the Scottish Executive what guidance it offers to prisons on the management of long-term prisoners in relation to the proportion of the year that these prisoners must spend participating...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S2W-8485, S2W-10935, S2W-16507 and S2W-16955 by Cathy Jamieson on 8 June 2004, 19 October 2004, 23 May 2005 and 6 June 2005 and...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-16507 by Cathy Jamieson on 23 May 2005, whether the contract with Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the provision of...
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S1W-33583 and S2W-7812 by Mr Jim Wallace and Cathy Jamieson on 10 February 2003 and 19 May 2004, what the total delegated budget...
To ask the Scottish Executive what the total outstanding commitment of (a) it, (b) local authorities and (c) non-departmental public bodies is to annual payments under PFI and PPP schemes in each...
To ask the Scottish Executive how many Scottish children have been referred to independent special schools outwith Scotland in each year since 1997, broken down by (a) home and (b) destination...