Scottish Parliament Written answers

Monday, 25 April 2005

  • Ambulance Service

    To ask the Scottish Executive what measures will be taken to ensure that the Scottish Ambulance Service gives its staff rest breaks and working hours in accordance with the working time regulations.

  • Asthma

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to develop a national asthma strategy.

  • Cancer

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to promote awareness of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

  • Cancer

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in (a) Scotland and (b) NHS Ayrshire and Arran in 2004.

  • Children and Young People

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many children have been taken home or detained in police custody since the inception of the child safety initiative known as the "Hamilton curfew".

  • Community Safety

    To ask the Scottish Executive what recent representations it has received from the Association of Scottish Neighbourhood Watches.

  • Community Safety

    To ask the Scottish Executive what sources of funding the Association of Scottish Neighbourhood Watches is entitled to apply for.

  • Construction Industry

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will review the number of places available for construction students at further education colleges in order to allow more young people to train in the...

  • Dentistry

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether all six and seven-year-olds have access to dental services, including fissure sealing, in all NHS board areas.

  • Diabetes

    To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in implementing the Scottish Diabetes Framework and when it expects the process to be completed.

  • Domestic Abuse

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the actual outturns were against target outturns for the Refuge Development Programme in each of the last three years and what projects were funded, broken down...

  • Energy

    To ask the Scottish Executive what further steps it will take to promote Aberdeen as the energy capital of Europe.

  • Energy

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the indirect subsidy is from (a) renewables obligation certificates, (b) climate change levy and (c) any other related government grant per kilowatt-hour to (i)...

  • Equal Opportunities

    To ask the Scottish Executive, following the European Union’s establishment of a strategy for sustainable development in May 2001, what measures it has put in place to prevent...

  • European Commission

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will list the responses it has given to European Commission consultations in each of the last three years.

  • European Union

    To ask the Scottish Executive what benefits will come to Scotland under its devolved responsibilities from the EU constitution.

  • Further Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any plans for an overall review of government and accountability in the further education sector.

  • Further Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive which further education colleges had a financial deficit at the end of March 2005.

  • Further Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive what support and advice it provides to assist further education colleges to achieve a balanced budget.

  • Further Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it would support the compulsory redundancy of academic staff at Inverness College in order to assist the college to balance its budget.

  • Graveyards

    To ask the Scottish Executive what guidance is issued to local authorities to address health and safety issues relating to gravestones.

  • Graveyards

    To ask the Scottish Executive who is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of gravestones in cemeteries.

  • Graveyards

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken in each local authority area to protect gravestones in cemeteries and old churchyards.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the (a) remit and (b) duration will be of NHS Quality Improvement Scotland’s inquiry into the increase in the number of prescriptions for methylphenidate...

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has on the effectiveness of zometa in the treatment of prostate cancer in (a) the rest of the United Kingdom, (b) Europe and (c) the United...

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide a breakdown of neurologist provision in each NHS board area.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what studies have been carried out to examine the links between nutrition, diet and behavioural problems.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the projected cost is for the establishment of community health partnerships in the next three years (a) in total and (b) broken down by NHS board.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will ensure that the block contract between NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Greater Glasgow for the referral of patients from the Cumbernauld and Kilsyth area to...

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many referrals to (a) the Diabetes Unit at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and (b) the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department at The Royal Hospital for Sick Children,...

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many newly built medical centres have been opened by NHS Tayside in each year since 1997.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-8209 by Malcolm Chisholm on 2 July 2004, whether the programme to end mixed-sex wards has been completed.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how the rates of respiratory disease in Scotland compare with other countries in Western Europe.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many Did Not Attends (DNAs) there were for (a) in-patient appointments and (b) out-patient appointments in each of the last three years, broken down by NHS board.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many people with head injuries resulting from (a) cycling, (b) skateboarding and (c) rollerblading accidents have been admitted to hospital in the last year.

  • Housing

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-14479 by Malcolm Chisholm on 24 March 2005, how many of the new-build starts referred to have been approved for funding by...

  • Housing

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many dwellings are unoccupied, broken down by local authority area.

  • Mental Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of state-registered nurse training is allocated to dealing with psychiatric illnesses.

  • Mental Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many psychiatric consultants are available to each NHS board on a (a) part-time and (b) full-time basis.

  • NHS Boards

    To ask the Scottish Executive what funding it has allocated to NHS Dumfries and Galloway, including funding allocated to the former primary care and acute services trusts, in each year since 1999.

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive what powers NHS boards have in rationalising managerial posts following the abolition of NHS trusts and the formation of operating divisions and whether there are...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how often primary care staff in NHS Lanarkshire left their employment and were not replaced with a full-time equivalent in each year since 1999 and how many...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how often administrative staff in NHS Lanarkshire left their employment and were not replaced with a full-time equivalent in each year since 1999 and what positions...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) district nurses, (b) health visitors, (c) treatment room nurses, (d) midwives and (e) speech language therapists were employed by NHS Lanarkshire to...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) qualified nurses, (b) qualified physiotherapists, (c) qualified occupational therapists and (d) speech therapists worked in the NHS in (i) 1999, (ii)...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) qualified nurses, (b) qualified physiotherapists, (c) qualified occupational therapists and (d) speech therapists left the NHS in (i) 1999, (ii) 2000,...

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive how much public funding was allocated to the training of (a) qualified nurses, (b) qualified physiotherapists, (c) qualified occupational therapists and (d) speech...

  • NHS Waiting Times

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the average waiting time for podiatry has been in each NHS board in each year since 1999, showing year-on-year changes.

  • Nursing

    To ask the Scottish Executive what advice and assistance it gives to NHS boards in respect of the employment of specialist nursing staff.

  • Organ Donation

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action has been taken to implement the recommendations of the Scottish Transplant Group’s report, An Organ Donation Strategy for Scotland .

  • Organ Donation

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take as a result of the responses received to its consultation on legislation relating to organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

  • Refugees

    To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding was specifically allocated to promote greater awareness of asylum seeker and refugee issues throughout Scotland in (a) 2000, (b) 2001, (c) 2002, (d)...

  • Renewable Energy

    To ask the Scottish Executive what its estimate is of the reduction in CO 2 emissions as a result of the increased use of wind farm-generated energy.

  • Renewable Energy

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether there is sufficient capability in conventional power stations to provide energy in the event that wind farms are unable to produce energy.

  • Renewable Energy

    To ask the Scottish Executive what its estimate is of the increased cost of bulk electricity when the target for renewable energy by wind power is realised.

  • Sustainable Development

    To ask the Scottish Executive, following the European Union’s establishment of a strategy for sustainable development in May 2001, what measures it has put in place to focus its policies on...

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April 2005
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