Scottish Parliament Written answers

Tuesday, 8 June 2004

  • Communication Impairment

    To ask the Scottish Executive what information is available in relation to communication impairment in (a) people with mental health problems, (b) young offenders, and (c) people with learning...

  • Community Care

    To ask the Scottish Executive what each local authority charged for domestic care in each of the last five years for which records are available.

  • Drug Misuse

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many meetings it has had with Scotland Against Drugs in the last year.

  • Drug Misuse

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many meetings it has had with the Scottish Drugs Forum in the last year.

  • Drug and Alcohol Misuse

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to review the functions and objectives of drug and alcohol action teams.

  • Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has had, or intends to have, meetings with the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) with regard to the role of subject principal teachers.

  • Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers that commercial confidentiality is a sufficient explanation for withholding information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

  • Gaelic

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to promote the future well-being of the Scots language, in light of its support for Gaelic culture and language.

  • Health

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the average waiting time is for head CT scans for patients referred with chronic headaches in each NHS board.

  • Higher Education

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many university teachers have left Scotland to take up posts in other parts of the United Kingdom in each of the last five years.

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied that a range of options was adequately considered prior to the development of plans for the reconfiguration of maternity services in Greater...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the impact on patient transport costs will be of plans for the reconfiguration of maternity services in Greater Glasgow.

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive what consideration it is giving to proposals for the closure of the Queen Mother’s Hospital as part of the plans for reconfiguration of maternity services in...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will consider further representations on the proposals for closing the Queen Mother’s Hospital as part of plans for the reconfiguration of maternity...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive what powers it has to reject proposals for the closure of the Queen Mother’s Hospital as part of plans for the reconfiguration of maternity services in Greater...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-3831 by Malcolm Chisholm on 17 November 2003, whether it is satisfied that a regional approach to planning maternity provision...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-3831 by Malcolm Chisholm on 17 November 2003, whether there is now a case for a central review of maternity services to...

  • Maternity Services

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the costs will be of consultants from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children working off-site as a result of the closure of the Queen Mother’s Hospital as...

  • NHS Funding

    To ask the Scottish Executive how much has been allocated to each NHS board in each financial year since 1995-96.

  • NHS Staff

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the percentage vacancy rate is for consultant psychologists.

  • Nuclear Power

    To ask the Scottish Executive which body is responsible for monitoring the operation of Torness, Hunterston and Chapelcross power stations and what such monitoring arrangements are.

  • Pollution

    To ask the Scottish Executive what prosecutions there have been in respect of sewage pollution in the last five years and which companies were involved.

  • Post Offices

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to support the retention of rural post offices.

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-7810 by Cathy Jamieson on 20 May 2004, how many police officers (a) have been and (b) were expected to be redeployed at the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd will carry out custody duties of prisoners specified in section 102(2)(d) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to use its powers under section 39 of the Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989 to alter the rules for the management of prisoners in light of recent events...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Escort Monitor has reported to it under clause of Schedule 1 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 4 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 4 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to its news release SEJD453r/2004, whether it has received a response from the Auditor General for Scotland in regard to an audit of the contract...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will produce a summary of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will publish the tender documents which led to the signing of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it determined to have a single rate of penalty for the release in error of prisoners under Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many companies, individuals and organisations tendered for the contract to provide prisoner escort and court custody services.

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd submitted the lowest bid in cash terms for the contract to provide prisoner escort and court custody services.

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will consider amending Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many incidents of each type set out in section 4 of Schedule 2 to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive why the contract monthly target standard has been removed from Appendix A of Schedule 2 to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-1869 by Cathy Jamieson on 9 September 2003, what the distinction is between the contract monthly target standard that has been...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd has fallen below the (a) monthly target standard and (b) minimum threshold standard of Appendix A of Schedule 2 to...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will detail a revised implementation programme for Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether the provision for transport of prisoners under Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide details of the circumstances leading up to each prisoner becoming unlawfully at large, including as a result of release in error, whilst...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the per capita cost has been of re-apprehending prisoners unlawfully at large, excluding prisoners who abscond and including prisoners released in error, (a)...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many prisoners have been unlawfully at large, excluding prisoners who abscond and including those released in error (a) in each year since 1999 and (b) since the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many additional prison officers could have been employed using the resources that have been allocated to Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd under Contract...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many additional police officers could have been employed using the resources that have been allocated to Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd under Contract...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many prison officer hours have been released from prisoner transport duties as a result of the contract with Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many police hours have been released from prisoner transport duties as a result of the contract with Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the provision of...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what action the service provider will take in respect of the late payment of invoices, as referred to in Schedule 3, clause 5.1.1 of Contract between The Scottish...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 3, clause 5.3 in Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether the service provider will have the right to appeal in the event of a dispute or arbitration procedure where there exists reasonable evidence of failure(s),...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 3, clause 4.3 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the specific measures to prevent the accidental release of prisoners were that Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd agreed to undertake during the meeting...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many additional members of staff have been provided by Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd to handle the expected workload at Glasgow courts following the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what additional input there has been from senior Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd staff to ensure a more efficient service following the meeting between the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how many senior Scottish Prison Service staff have been detailed to monitor the effective delivery of services by Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd to Glasgow courts.

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied that there has been significant improvement in the performance of Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd following the meeting between the...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive why aspects of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Limited for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether, with reference to Schedule 3, clause 6.4 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether, with reference to Schedule 3, section 13 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether, with reference to Schedule 3, section 13 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 3, section 13 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Schedule 3, section 13 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether, with reference to Schedule 3, section 13 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what training Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd has implemented to ensure compliance with section 2.5 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether section 3.4 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether the anti-bullying strategy required by clause 3.5.1 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what training provider has been engaged to train Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd’s staff to comply with section 4.11 of Schedule 1 of Contract between The...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive how often Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd has been required to escort a prisoner to a relevant premise outside Scotland.

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, with reference to Contract between The Scottish Ministers and Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the Provision of Prisoner Escort & Court Custody Services...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it, or the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), had the opportunity to observe the testing of the prisoner logging system referred to in clause of Schedule...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will publish details of the Service Provider’s Implementation Programme referred to in clause of Schedule 1 of Contract between The Scottish...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive what review and rationalisation of Prisoner Escort Forms has been undertaken as required under clause 1.7.1 of Schedule 1 of Contract between The Scottish Ministers...

  • Prisoner Escorts

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-7810 by Cathy Jamieson on 20 May 2004, how many police officers have been redeployed to date as a result of the first phase of...

  • Scottish Executive Contracts

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers that there are circumstances in which overriding public interest should overrule the right of companies to withhold the release of commercially...

  • Skye Bridge

    To ask the Scottish Executive what its response is to the opinion of Professor Mark Poustie, Professor of Law at Strathclyde University, that there is now doubt regarding the legality of the...

  • Social Inclusion

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether any research is being undertaken to examine social exclusion issues for people with communication impairment and any difficulties they have in accessing (a)...

  • Sport

    To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-8109 by Mr Frank McAveety on 21 May 2004, when it expects to finalise consideration of the audit of local sports facilities...

  • Student Finance

    To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with Universities Scotland regarding top-up fees and what the outcome was.

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June 2004
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