Portfolio Question Time – in the Scottish Parliament at 12:53 pm on 7 November 2024.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the work of its ministerial population task force. (S6O-03898)
The task force met on 25 September and discussed delivery of the addressing depopulation action plan’s new place-based interventions, with six local authorities receiving total funding of over £420,000 to support sustainable communities. Members of the task force agreed that the next national islands plan should include an overarching strategic focus on supporting our island populations. The task force also agreed an evaluation approach for Scotland’s migration service. That will support employers and inward investors to use the immigration system effectively to meet their needs and assist individuals to relocate to and settle in Scotland. The minutes for the meetings will be published in due course.
I thank the minister for her comprehensive response. Studies show that immigration over the decades has been good for both Scotland and the United Kingdom. Extreme anti-migrant rhetoric that seeks to divide our communities was once the exclusive territory of the far right, but it is now being adopted by mainstream political parties in the UK. Does the minister agree that, instead of becoming insular as a country, we should note that immigration is vital for our nation’s prosperity? Does she further agree that the best thing that all politicians can do is to confront the far right rather than appeasing it by adopting its rhetoric?
I thank Mr Yousaf for making the case for immigration very successfully. Scotland is an outward looking and welcoming nation and we can be proud of being such a welcoming country. We celebrate, value and protect diversity in our communities.
We all have a responsibility to confront hatred and prejudice wherever and whenever they appear. Scotland is a diverse, multicultural society, and that diversity strengthens us as a nation. The delivery of our new Scots strategy is a crucial way to help us to build inclusive and cohesive communities.
Will the minister update Parliament on the work that the task force is undertaking on the challenges that are caused by the increasing population in the east of Scotland, including in my constituency of Edinburgh Northern and Leith? Will she tell us whether, how and when public spending allocations will be adjusted to meet rapidly growing demand?
The task force includes members from many Government portfolios, in recognition of the crucial relationship between population, public services and communities. We continue to work closely with local authorities and with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.
I recognise the importance of engaging with and supporting areas, such as Edinburgh and Lothians, that are experiencing population growth. COSLA is a member of the population programme board and, along with the Scottish Government, jointly chairs a local government population round table. COSLA is also taking forward a discrete piece of work with local authorities to better understand the specific challenges of population growth. The population programme will consider the outputs of that work in due course.