Gaelic Language Skills

Part of Portfolio Question Time – in the Scottish Parliament at on 12 June 2024.

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Photo of Kate Forbes Kate Forbes Scottish National Party

Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ cur fàilte air an àrdachadh air luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig sa chunntas-shluaigh—a’ chiad uair bho 1971 nach fhacar ìsleachadh san àireimh sin. Tha seo a’ sealltainn an adhartais a rinneadh le obair às leth na Gàidhlig ann am foghlam, craoladh agus planadh coimhearsnachd is cànain. Ach, tha sinn ag aithneachadh nan duilgheadasan èiginneach a tha fhathast ann—agus sin follaiseach bho mar a thuit àireamh luchd-labhairt nan eilean. ’S e an dùbhlan fuasgladh fhaighinn air na duilgheadasan seo gus am bi Gàidhlig seasmhach nar n-eileanan agus a’ fàs air feadh Alba.

The Scottish Government welcomes the rise in Gaelic speakers recorded by the census. This is the first census since 1971 not to show a decline in speakers, and that demonstrates the progress being made in education, broadcasting and the community, but we recognise the urgent difficulties still facing the language—something that was highlighted by the on-going decline in speakers in our island communities. Our challenges lie in tackling those difficulties to ensure that Gaelic is sustained within island communities while enjoying growth across the whole of Scotland.