T he next item of business is consideration of business motion S5M-24452, in the name of Graeme Dey, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out changes to this week’s business.
Motion moved,
That the Parliament agrees to the following revisions to the programme of business on:
(a) Tuesday 23 March 2021— after followed by
Topical Questions insert followed by
Motion of No Confidence delete followed by
Ministerial Statement: Implications of the administration of Greensill Capital UK for Businesses in Scotland
(b) Wednesday 24 March 2021— after
2.30 pm Portfolio Questions insert followed by
Ministerial Statement: Implications of the Administration of Greensill Capital UK for Businesses in Scotland delete
6.20 pm Decision Time insert
5.45 pm Decision Time—[
Graeme Dey
Motion agreed to.
The Presiding Officer:
I will take the vote on the motion of no confidence immediately after the debate. There will be a five-minute suspension when I call the vote. That will be around 5 minutes past 4 this afternoon.