Glenrothes 70th Anniversary

– in the Scottish Parliament at on 18 January 2018.

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Photo of Jenny Gilruth Jenny Gilruth Scottish National Party

6. To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to support the 70th anniversary of Glenrothes. (S5O-01669)

Photo of Fiona Hyslop Fiona Hyslop Scottish National Party

The Scottish Government welcomes the planned programme of events due to take place in Glenrothes over 2018 that is being organised by local groups and Fife Council to celebrate that important date. Although no specific Scottish Government activity is planned in favour of locally developed and owned celebrations, those local events will link to wider Scottish Government initiatives such as the year of young people.

Photo of Jenny Gilruth Jenny Gilruth Scottish National Party

This week, Glenrothes lost a true community champion in David Nelson. I hope that the cabinet secretary will join me in sending condolences to Davy’s wife, Maureen, and to their family.

Can the cabinet secretary assure me that she will discuss with Fife Council the ways in which the 70th anniversary can be celebrated properly? Is she aware of any funding that community groups might be able to access?

Photo of Fiona Hyslop Fiona Hyslop Scottish National Party

Anniversaries of towns should not just be about the physical place, as it is the people who make the place—people such as David Nelson, the Glenrothes community champion. I extend my condolences to Mr Nelson’s family.

I would be happy to discuss with Ms Gilruth and Fife Council how any national activity on funding can align with the Glenrothes 70th anniversary this year. I understand that the Edinburgh International Book Festival is already planning to do so.