Pharmacies (Community Health)

– in the Scottish Parliament at on 18 January 2018.

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Photo of Ruth Maguire Ruth Maguire Scottish National Party

5. To ask the Scottish Government what role it considers pharmacies should play in supporting the health of the communities that they serve. (S5O-01668)

Photo of Shona Robison Shona Robison Scottish National Party

Community pharmacy plays an important role in the provision of national health service pharmaceutical care, providing highly accessible services for people both in hours and out of hours. We want more people to use their community pharmacy as a first port of call for the treatment of self-limiting illnesses and medicine-related matters, and for on-going self-management support for people with long-term conditions.

Photo of Ruth Maguire Ruth Maguire Scottish National Party

Does the cabinet secretary agree that folk can both receive help for themselves quicker and relieve pressures on hospital staff during the busy winter period by making use of the excellent advice and treatment available from community pharmacists?

Photo of Shona Robison Shona Robison Scottish National Party

Yes, absolutely. Part of the communication strategy this winter has been very much to highlight the role of community pharmacy. The member might be aware that our strategy for pharmaceutical care, “Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care: A Strategy for Scotland”, published in August 2017, emphasises that the pharmacy team in NHS Scotland is an important part of the workforce, with specialist skills and much-needed expertise in medicines. It will also form part of the multidisciplinary team on the back of the new general practitioner contract once it is agreed. We are very keen indeed to promote the role of community pharmacy.