There are four questions to be put as a result of today’s business. The first question is, that amendment S5M-09927.2, in the name of Annie Wells, which seeks to amend motion S5M-09927, in the name of Jeane Freeman, on building a connected Scotland: tackling social isolation and loneliness together, be agreed to.
Amendment agreed to.
The Presiding Officer:
The next question is, that amendment S5M-09927.1, in the name of Monica Lennon, which seeks to amend the motion in the name of Jeane Freeman, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
The Presiding Officer:
There will be a division.
The Presiding Officer:
The result of the division is: For 27, Against 76, Abstentions 0.
Amendment disagreed to.
The next question is, that amendment S5M-09927.3, in the name of Alex Cole-Hamilton, which seeks to amend the motion in the name of Jeane Freeman, be agreed to.
Amendment agreed to.
The final question is, that motion S5M-09927, in the name of Jeane Freeman, on building a connected Scotland: tackling social isolation and loneliness together, as amended, be agreed to.
Motion, as amended, agreed to,
That the Parliament recognises that social isolation and loneliness affect people of all ages and stages of life; believes that it is people and communities themselves that have a central role in building and maintaining social connections and supporting those who may be socially isolated; acknowledges that the Scottish Government has an important role to play in showing leadership as well as creating the conditions that allow people and communities to design and deliver solutions that best meet their needs; welcomes therefore the publication of the Scottish Government’s draft strategy,
A Connected Scotland
, and encourages everyone to respond to this important consultation; recognises the need to find concrete ways of measuring and monitoring progress to best understand how the future strategy is working; welcomes the good work of a range of organisations from the third sector and elsewhere in tackling these issues, including the Campaign to End Loneliness and the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, which aims to highlight the fact that everyone can do something to help lonely people in the community; further welcomes the appointment of a new UK minister to lead on loneliness and continue the work of Jo Cox; believes that the planning decisions of local authorities can be driven by the pressures of demand at the expense of placemaking and social cohesion; considers that the way in which the built environment is established and maintained is an important factor in addressing social isolation and loneliness; welcomes that the draft strategy recognises that falls, and the fear of falling, are a common cause of social isolation, particularly among older people; recalls that the Parliament voted in favour of developing a national falls strategy on 2 March 2017, and urges the Scottish Government to explain how this is being progressed.
That concludes decision time.
Meeting closed at 17:02.