There are five questions to be put as a result of today’s business. The first question is, that amendment S5M-09821.3, in the name of Liz Smith, which seeks to amend motion S5M-09821, in the name of Jamie Hepburn, on developing the young workforce, be agreed to.
Amendment agreed to.
The Presiding Officer:
The next question is, that amendment S5M-09821.2, in the name of Iain Gray, which seeks to amend motion S5M-09821, in the name of Jamie Hepburn, on developing the young workforce, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
The Presiding Officer:
There will be a division.
The Presiding Officer:
The result of the division is: For 26, Against 88, Abstentions 0.
Amendment disagreed to.
The next question is, that amendment S5M-09821.1, in the name of Tavish Scott, which seeks to amend motion S5M-09821, in the name of Jamie Hepburn, on developing the young workforce, be agreed to.
Amendment agreed to.
The next question is, that motion S5M-09821, in the name of Jamie Hepburn, on developing the young workforce, as amended, be agreed to.
Motion, as amended, agreed to,
That the Parliament acknowledges the progress set out in the Developing the Young Workforce annual report 2016-17; notes the achievement of the programme’s headline target, to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021, four years ahead of schedule; recognises that there is more to do to address youth unemployment, particularly tackling gender imbalances in specific sectors and in improving employment opportunities for all young people, particularly those who are disabled, from minority ethnic backgrounds, or who are care-experienced; believes that employers, schools, colleges and universities working in partnership through the Developing the Young Workforce regional groups can make a significant difference in improving the life chances of Scotland's young people; but recognises that these opportunities will only be realised if the aforementioned policies are accompanied by those designed to create a more diverse education system, which fully embraces vocational and technical training in the way set out by the commission that was led by Sir Ian Wood, and further believes that a decentralised Skills Development Scotland, aligned to college regions, benefiting from closer partnerships with businesses, schools and other local agencies, would help achieve the objectives of the report of the commission that was led by Sir Ian Wood.
The final question is, that motion S5M-09857, in the name of Joe FitzPatrick, on committee membership, be agreed to.
Motion agreed to,
That the Parliament agrees that Alex Rowley be appointed to replace David Stewart as a member of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee.
Meeting closed at 17:04.