There are three questions to be put as a result of today’s business. The first question is, that motion S5M-09732, in the name of Joan McAlpine, on the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee’s inquiry into the article 50 withdrawal process, be agreed to.
Motion agreed to,
That the Parliament recognises the evidence gathered to date by the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee on the first phase of the Article 50 withdrawal negotiations, and notes the European Council Guidelines agreed on 15 December 2017 that set out the position of the other 27 Member States of the European Union in relation to the second phase of the negotiations, which will be related to transition and the framework for the future relationship.
The Presiding Officer:
The next question is, that motion S5M-09805, in the name of Joe FitzPatrick, on committee membership, be agreed to.
Motion agreed to,
That the Parliament agrees that—
Claire Baker be appointed to replace Lewis Macdonald as a member of the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee;
Neil Findlay be appointed to replace Monica Lennon as a member of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee;
Kezia Dugdale be appointed to replace Daniel Johnson as a member of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee;
Mary Fee be appointed to replace Daniel Johnson as a member of the Education and Skills Committee;
Lewis Macdonald be appointed to replace Neil Findlay as a member of the Health and Sport Committee;
David Stewart be appointed to replace Colin Smyth as a member of the Health and Sport Committee;
Daniel Johnson be appointed to replace Mary Fee as a member of the Justice Committee;
Monica Lennon be appointed to replace Elaine Smith as a member of the Local Government and Communities Committee;
Colin Smyth be appointed to replace Rhoda Grant as a member of the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee; and
Elaine Smith be appointed to replace Claire Baker as a member of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.
The next question is, that motion S5M-09806, in the name of Joe FitzPatrick, on substitution on committees, be agreed to.
Motion agreed to,
That the Parliament agrees that—
Neil Findlay be appointed to replace Daniel Johnson as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee;
Alex Rowley be appointed to replace Pauline McNeill as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee;
Pauline McNeill be appointed to replace Mark Griffin as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee;
Kezia Dugdale be appointed to replace Iain Gray as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Education and Skills Committee;
Rhoda Grant be appointed to replace Jenny Marra as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Equalities and Human Rights Committee;
Elaine Smith be appointed to replace Kezia Dugdale as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Finance and Constitution Committee;
Mary Fee be appointed to replace Claire Baker as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Justice Committee;
David Stewart be appointed to replace James Kelly as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee;
Alex Rowley be appointed to replace Mary Fee as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Public Petitions Committee;
Monica Lennon be appointed to replace Richard Leonard as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Social Security Committee; and
Rhoda Grant be appointed to replace David Stewart as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.