The next item of business is consideration of business motion S5M-09804, in the name of Joe FitzPatrick, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a revised business programme for today.
Motion moved,
That the Parliament agrees to the following revisions to the programme of business for—
(a) Tuesday 9 January 2018— after followed by
Topical Questions insert followed by
Ministerial Statement: Response to exceptional winter pressures after followed by
Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee Debate: Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee's Inquiry into the Article 50 Withdrawal Process insert followed by
Election to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body delete
5.00 pm Decision Time and insert
5.15 pm Decision Time
(b) Wednesday 10 January 2018— after followed by
Portfolio Questions
Justice and the Law Officers;
Culture, Tourism and External Affairs insert followed by
Ministerial Statement: The Chief Constable’s leave of absence—
[Joe FitzPatrick.]
Motion agreed to.
The Presiding Officer:
The nomination period for the election of a member for appointment to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is now open. Nominations should be submitted to the parliamentary business team by 4.45 pm today, and the election will take place just before decision time.