– in the Scottish Parliament at on 23 March 2016.
4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the developing the young workforce programme. (S4O-05689)
The first developing the young workforce annual report, which was published in December 2015, showed that we are making good progress on better preparing young people for the world of work. Key developments to date include the expansion of work-related skills and qualifications such as the new foundation apprenticeship, the introduction of new national standards and guidance for work placements and careers education, offering careers advice earlier in schools, and the development of closer partnerships between employers and education, with 14 new regional employer groups being set up across Scotland.
Can the minister outline what role businesses in the Highlands and Islands and indeed across the rest of Scotland should play in supporting the programme?
I mentioned in my first answer one of the action points—the development of the regional developing the young workforce groups. They are industry led and they provide a fundamental bridge between education and business. They involve local businesses and they build on what was already there. We will support the setting up of the aim to have 21 regional groups across Scotland. There are 14 to date, including those in north Highland, Moray, Inverness and central Highland, and west Highland.
We hope that all members will rally round the regional groups as they are rolled out across Scotland so that we all do our best to bring on young people and ensure that they are ready for the world of work.