Decision Time

– in the Scottish Parliament at 5:00 pm on 26 February 2009.

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Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None 5:00, 26 February 2009

There are eight questions to be put as a result of today's business. Members should note that if amendment S3M-3828.3, in the name of Sarah Boyack, is agreed to, amendment S3M-3528.2, in the name of Robin Harper, will fall.

The first question is, that motion S3M-3128, in the name of Jackie Baillie, on the Disabled Persons' Parking Places (Scotland) Bill, be agreed to.

Motion agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that the Disabled Persons' Parking Places (Scotland) Bill be passed.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

I am delighted to say that the Disabled Persons' Parking Places (Scotland) Bill is passed. [ Applause. ]

The next question is, that amendment S3M-3528.3, in the name of Sarah Boyack, which seeks to amend motion S3M-3528, in the name of Richard Lochhead, on the marine bill consultation, be agreed to. Are we all agreed?



Division number 1

For: Alexander, Ms Wendy, Baker, Claire, Baker, Richard, Boyack, Sarah, Brankin, Rhona, Butler, Bill, Chisholm, Malcolm, Craigie, Cathie, Curran, Margaret, Ferguson, Patricia, Foulkes, George, Gillon, Karen, Glen, Marlyn, Godman, Trish, Gordon, Charlie, Grant, Rhoda, Gray, Iain, Henry, Hugh, Jamieson, Cathy, Kelly, James, Kerr, Andy, Lamont, Johann, Livingstone, Marilyn, Macintosh, Ken, Martin, Paul, McAveety, Mr Frank, McCabe, Tom, McConnell, Jack, McMahon, Michael, McNeil, Duncan, McNeill, Pauline, Mulligan, Mary, Murray, Elaine, Oldfather, Irene, Park, John, Peacock, Peter, Peattie, Cathy, Stewart, David, Whitefield, Karen, Whitton, David
Against: Adam, Brian, Aitken, Bill, Allan, Alasdair, Brocklebank, Ted, Brown, Gavin, Brown, Keith, Brownlee, Derek, Campbell, Aileen, Carlaw, Jackson, Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Cunningham, Roseanna, Don, Nigel, Doris, Bob, Ewing, Fergus, Fabiani, Linda, FitzPatrick, Joe, Fraser, Murdo, Gibson, Kenneth, Gibson, Rob, Goldie, Annabel, Grahame, Christine, Harper, Robin, Harvie, Christopher, Harvie, Patrick, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Ingram, Adam, Kidd, Bill, Lamont, John, Lochhead, Richard, MacAskill, Kenny, Marwick, Tricia, Mather, Jim, Matheson, Michael, Maxwell, Stewart, McKee, Ian, McKelvie, Christina, McLaughlin, Anne, McLetchie, David, McMillan, Stuart, Milne, Nanette, Mitchell, Margaret, Morgan, Alasdair, Neil, Alex, Paterson, Gil, Robison, Shona, Russell, Michael, Salmond, Alex, Scanlon, Mary, Scott, John, Smith, Elizabeth, Somerville, Shirley-Anne, Sturgeon, Nicola, Swinney, John, Thompson, Dave, Watt, Maureen, Welsh, Andrew, White, Sandra, Wilson, Bill, Wilson, John
Abstentions: Brown, Robert, Hume, Jim, MacDonald, Margo, McArthur, Liam, McInnes, Alison, Munro, John Farquhar, O'Donnell, Hugh, Pringle, Mike, Purvis, Jeremy, Rumbles, Mike, Scott, Tavish, Smith, Iain, Smith, Margaret, Stephen, Nicol, Stone, Jamie, Tolson, Jim

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The result of the division is: For 40, Against 61, Abstentions 16.

Amendment disagreed to.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The next question is, that amendment S3M-3528.1, in the name of John Scott, which also seeks to amend motion S3M-3528, on the marine bill consultation, be agreed to.

Amendment agreed to.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The next question is, that amendment S3M-3528.4, in the name of Liam McArthur, which also seeks to amend motion S3M-3528, on the marine bill consultation, be agreed to.

Amendment agreed to.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The next question is, that amendment S3M-3528.2, in the name of Robin Harper, which also seeks to amend motion S3M-3528, on the marine bill consultation, be agreed to.

Amendment agreed to.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The next question is, that motion S3M-3528, in the name of Richard Lochhead, on the marine bill consultation, as amended, be agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to,

That the Parliament notes the Scottish Government's commitment to deliver a Scottish Marine Bill to accommodate environmentally sustainable economic development and improve the stewardship of the marine environment; acknowledges the positive response to the consultation, Sustainable Seas for All, the widespread support for the proposals and the concerns that remain; considers that the forthcoming marine legislation must fully take into account the interests of commercial fisheries and recreational sea anglers and could provide an appropriate vehicle for tackling the severe decline in breeding sea bird populations, and calls on the Scottish Government to publish its conclusions on the consultation and bring forward a dedicated Scottish Marine Bill as soon as possible to ensure that Scotland does not fall behind the rest of the United Kingdom in the sustainable management of its seas and coast.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The next question is, that motion S3M-3534, in the name of Bruce Crawford, on committee membership, be agreed to.

Motion agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that— Stuart McMillan be appointed to replace Dave Thompson on the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee; Willie Coffey be appointed to replace Sandra White on the Equal Opportunities Committee; Michael Matheson be appointed to replace Alex Neil on the European and External Relations Committee; Sandra White be appointed to replace Keith Brown on the European and External Relations Committee; Stewart Maxwell be appointed to replace Stuart McMillan on the Justice Committee; Anne McLaughlin be appointed to replace Stuart McMillan on the Public Audit Committee; Anne McLaughlin be appointed to the Public Petitions Committee.

Photo of Alex Fergusson Alex Fergusson None

The final question is, that motion S3M-3535, in the name of Bruce Crawford, on substitution on committees, be agreed to.

Motion agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that— Shirley-Anne Somerville be appointed to replace Willie Coffey as the Scottish National Party substitute on the Equal Opportunities Committee; Kenneth Gibson be appointed to replace Roseanna Cunningham as the Scottish National Party substitute on the Finance Committee; Linda Fabiani be appointed to replace Sandra White as the Scottish National Party substitute on the Public Audit Committee.