Part of the debate – in the Scottish Parliament at 5:00 pm on 13 February 2003.
No. I am afraid that I cannot do that. Mr Canavan will not be surprised to know that I spend my spare time reading the standing orders. Standing order 9.18.5, which I read this afternoon and which is being used for the first time in this chamber, says that a consolidation bill is not open to debate. However, the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Bill Committee's report recommended that the Procedures Committee should have a look at the standing order, and I have no doubt that that will be part of its current review. At the moment, however, I am bound by the standing order, and I therefore call on Colin Boyd simply to move the motion, although there will be no debate on it.
Motion moved,
That the Parliament agrees that the law which is restated in the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Bill should be restated.—[Lord Advocate].