National Farmers Union (Meetings)

Part of Question Time — scottish executive – in the Scottish Parliament at 2:30 pm on 5 October 2000.

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Photo of Ross Finnie Ross Finnie Liberal Democrat 2:30, 5 October 2000

Officials from the Scottish Executive rural affairs department are returning from Brussels as we speak. I have not yet had a briefing on our current position on the matter. As Mr Johnstone will know, the European Union regrettably is not concerned about the particular circumstances of Scotland, which has 85 per cent of its land designated as less favoured areas. We need a scheme that takes account of our different circumstances. The European Union is concerned only that we move from a headage to a hectarage basis, without any consideration for the consequences. I make no apologies for attempting, at every stage, to persuade the European Union that that will not do. I share Mr Johnstone's concern that when the safety net is removed we might end up with a range of doubtful winners and very serious losers. The reason that I am pursuing the matter, keeping on at the European Union and being prepared to take it to the line, is to ensure that we have the maximum number of winners and very few losers, if any.