Section 41 — Further provision as respects placing requests

Standards in Scotland's Schools etc Bill: Stage 3 – in the Scottish Parliament at 5:00 pm on 7 June 2000.

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Photo of Patricia Ferguson Patricia Ferguson Labour 5:00, 7 June 2000

We now come to amendment 7, which is grouped with amendments 8 and 9.

Photo of Peter Peacock Peter Peacock Labour

At stage 2, some concern was expressed about the intention underlying the power in section 41(4), which would allow Scottish ministers to make regulations requiring the General Teaching Council to provide information to other persons or bodies. At stage 2, I explained that that provision was included because the new general teaching councils for England and Wales will be required under statute to refuse registration to a person whose name has been removed from the register of the GTC for Scotland or who has been refused registration on the grounds of misconduct or criminal conviction. It was suggested that the provision should be more tightly worded, and we agreed to consider an amendment at stage 3. I accept the point that was made, and amendment 7 is designed to address that. It also provides for information to be given to the GTC for Northern Ireland, once it is established.

Amendments 8 and 9 are minor consequential amendments. I hope that members will welcome this clarification.

I move amendment 7.

Amendment 7 agreed to.

Amendments 8 and 9 moved—[Peter Peacock]—and agreed to.