Scottish Parliament debates

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

  • First Minister’s Question Time

    2 speeches

    The first item of business is First Minister’s question time. Before we turn to questions, I invite the First Minister to update Parliament on the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints (Evidence)

    8 speeches

    1. The Scottish National Party’s chief executive, Peter Murrell, might have committed perjury by changing his story under oath to an inquiry of a committee of this Parliament. However, he...

  • Ministerial Code (Potential Breach)

    6 speeches

    2. As a member of the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints, I will not prejudge the outcome before the First Minister gives evidence next week, and she knows...

  • Care Home Visits

    4 speeches

    3. Care home residents have been separated from their families for months, just when they needed each other most. I have had detailed and helpful discussions with the Cabinet Secretary for Health...

  • Covid-19 (Protections for Tenants)

    4 speeches

    4. As the First Minister knows, throughout the pandemic the Scottish Greens have made the case for greater protections for people who rent their homes. It was pressure from the Greens that led to...

  • Schools (Return During Holiday Period)

    4 speeches

    5. To ask the First Minister whether the Scottish Government is considering children returning to full-time education during part of the traditional summer holiday period. (S5F-04797)

  • A9 and A96 (Dualling Completion)

    4 speeches

    6. To ask the First Minister when projects to dual the A9 and A96 roads are expected to be completed. (S5F-04809)

  • Covid-19 (Travel to Vaccination Hubs)

    5 speeches

    7. To ask the First Minister how far people should be expected to travel to attend a vaccination appointment at a Covid-19 vaccination hub. (S5F-04800)

  • Covid Vaccination Priority Groups (Police Officers)

    2 speeches

    I have been contacted by a number of local police officers who feel that they should be prioritised when it comes to receiving the Covid vaccine. I have spoken to some officers who have had to...

  • Covid Vaccination Priority Groups (Offshore Medics and Workers)

    2 speeches

    I have a related question. Offshore medics are on the front line in the battle against Covid, helping to save lives on board oil platforms, while members of the offshore oil and gas workforce...

  • Tesco (Livingston Distribution Centre)

    2 speeches

    This week, Tesco is paying a £5 billion dividend to shareholders while cutting between £3,000 and £13,000 a year from key workers at its Livingston distribution centre and four...

  • Priority Families

    2 speeches

    In challenging times, those who are in already vulnerable situations are often hit the hardest. What is the Scottish Government doing to support priority families as identified in “Every...

  • Teachers (Extra Protections and Testing)

    2 speeches

    What extra protections and testing can be put in place for those teachers who are looking after children with special needs, children who are vulnerable and the children of key workers? By the...

  • Cladding (Private Buildings)

    2 speeches

    While First Minister’s question time has been in progress, the United Kingdom Government has announced an additional £3.5 billion for the removal of unsafe metal cladding from private...

  • Cabinet Office (Recruitment)

    2 speeches

    The First Minister will be aware that the Tory Government at Westminster is advertising jobs in the Cabinet Office’s union unit for which knowledge of Scottish issues is deemed only...

  • Extended Households (Covid-19)

    2 speeches

    On Friday, I hosted a virtual coffee morning for more than 50 new parents in my constituency. From the start, it became clear just how much strain those people are under, especially the mums,...

  • Climate Change

    2 speeches

    Only yesterday, scientists from Harvard University and University College London announced research findings that showed that fine particles from burning fossil fuels were responsible for up to...

  • Vaccine Wastage

    2 speeches

    Last week, the dedicated staff at Whitehill community centre in Hamilton had to throw out 14 vials of the Pfizer vaccine, which had been held at a lower temperature for more than five days,...

  • Maritime Businesses (Support)

    2 speeches

    The First Minister is aware that businesses have received support on the basis of rateable value. Maritime businesses do not have a rateable value, but they have similar costs, such as berthing...

  • A9 and A96 (Dualling Completion)

    3 speeches

    I am pleased to hear, from Jamie Halcro Johnston’s earlier question, that he is committing the Tories to dualling the A9 and the A96. He might want to tell his colleague Peter Chapman, who...

  • Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (Malicious Prosecutions)

    24 speeches

    Good afternoon, everyone. I give the usual reminder that social distancing measures are in place in the chamber and across the Holyrood campus. The next item of business is a debate on motion...

  • Covid-19 (Local Newspapers)

    32 speeches

    The next item of business is a debate on motion S5M-24084, in the name of Graham Simpson, on the Covid-19 response and the role of local newspapers. Members who wish to speak in the debate should...

  • Business Motions

    2 speeches

    The next item of business is consideration of business motion S5M-24102, in the name of Graeme Dey, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a business programme. Motion moved, That the...

  • Parliamentary Bureau Motions

    2 speeches

    The next item of business is consideration of four Parliamentary Bureau motions—motion S5M-24106 and motion S5M-24107 on approval of Scottish statutory instruments, motion S5M-24108 on a...

  • Point of Order

    2 speeches

    On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I wish to raise a point of order about the actions of special advisers. At an off-camera, on-the-record briefing, special adviser Stuart Nicolson was asked...

  • Decision Time

    16 speeches

    We come to decision time. The first question is, that amendment S5M-24095.2, in the name of the Lord Advocate, which seeks to amend motion S5M-24095, in the name of Murdo Fraser, on the Crown...

What is this?

The Scottish Parliament is the national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh. The Parliament consists of 129 members known as MSPs, elected for four-year terms; 73 represent individual geographical constituencies, and 56 are regional representatives.

February 2021
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