Scottish Parliament debates

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

  • Portfolio Question Time

  • Culture and External Affairs

    1 speech

    Good afternoon. The first item of business is portfolio questions, first on culture and external affairs. In order to get in as many members as possible, I invite members to ask short and...

  • Youth Music Initiative

    4 speeches

    1. To ask the Scottish Government how the youth music initiative dovetails with voluntary sector programmes such as Scotland sings and the fèisean movement. (S4O-02412)

  • Summer Festivals (Economic Benefit)

    4 speeches

    2. To ask the Scottish Government what benefit the 2013 summer festivals have brought to the Scottish economy. (S4O-02413)

  • Film Production

    4 speeches

    3. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to boost production of both domestic and foreign films in Scotland. (S4O-02414)

  • “The Great Tapestry of Scotland”

    7 speeches

    The Deputy Presiding Officer: I call Alex Johnstone to ask question 4. [Interruption.] Do you wish to ask your question? 4.

  • Broadcasting

    6 speeches

    5. To ask the Scottish Government what the set-up and running costs would be of a new national, independent broadcaster in the event of Scotland becoming independent. (S4O-02416)

  • Film Industry (Support)

    4 speeches

    6. To ask the Scottish Government what support it gives to Scotland’s film industry and individual film-makers. (S4O-02417)

  • Digital Participation (Older People)

    4 speeches

    7. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to increase digital participation among people over 65. (S4O-02418)

  • Creative Scotland (Meetings)

    4 speeches

    8. To ask the Scottish Government when the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs last met the chief executive of Creative Scotland and what issues were discussed. (S4O-02419)

  • Syria (Humanitarian Crisis)

    6 speeches

    9. To ask the Scottish Government, in light of it providing assistance to non-governmental organisations supporting humanitarian projects in Syria, whether it shares growing concerns at the...

  • Infrastructure, Investment and Cities

  • National Performance Framework

    5 speeches

    1. To ask the Scottish Government how the national indicators used in the national performance framework feed into decisions relating to its investment commitments. (S4O-02422)

  • Fuel Poverty

    9 speeches

    2. To ask the Scottish Government how the draft budget supports people affected by fuel poverty. (S4O-02423)

  • Poverty

    7 speeches

    3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to combat poverty. (S4O-02424)

  • Rail Franchise

    6 speeches

    6. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to make rail travel more attractive under the 2014 rail franchise renewal. (S4O-02427)

  • Aviation Strategy

    4 speeches

    7. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with Scotland’s airports regarding an aviation strategy for Scotland. (S4O-02428)

  • Road Safety (A76)

    5 speeches

    8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to introduce measures to improve the safety of the A76 between Dumfries and Kirkconnel. (S4O-02429)

  • Welfare Reform (Mitigation)

    4 speeches

    9. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to mitigate the impact of welfare reforms. (S4O-02430)

  • Corroboration

    62 speeches

    The next item of business is a debate on motion S4M-07791, in the name of Margaret Mitchell, on corroboration. We are extremely tight for time so the member has exactly 10 minutes.

  • Children and Young People (Named Persons)

    66 speeches

    The next item of business is a debate on motion S4M-07783, in the name of Liz Smith, on named persons. The debate is oversubscribed and we are extremely tight for time. Liz Smith, you have a...

  • Business Motions

    2 speeches

    The next item of business is consideration of business motion S4M-07798, in the name of Joe FitzPatrick, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a stage 2 timetable for the Scottish...

  • Decision Time

    6 speeches

    There are six questions to be put as a result of today’s business. I remind members that, in relation to the debate on corroboration, if the amendment in the name of Kenny MacAskill is...

  • University of Edinburgh

    24 speeches

    The final item of business is a members’ business debate on motion S4M-07675, in the name of Jim Eadie, on the University of Edinburgh in the world’s top 20. The debate will be...

What is this?

The Scottish Parliament is the national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh. The Parliament consists of 129 members known as MSPs, elected for four-year terms; 73 represent individual geographical constituencies, and 56 are regional representatives.

September 2013
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