Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Good morning. Our first item of business this morning is time for reflection. Our time for reflection leader is our local parish minister, the Rev Neil Gardner, who has been a great friend to the...
The next item of business is consideration of business motion S3M-8197, in the name of Bruce Crawford, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a timetable for stage 3 consideration of...
The next item of business is stage 3 proceedings on the Forced Marriage etc (Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Bill. In dealing with the amendments, members should have: the bill as amended...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S3M-8157, in the name of Alex Neil, on the Forced Marriage etc (Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Bill.
The next item of business is stage 3 proceedings on the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill. In dealing with amendments, members should have in front of them the papers that are available to them at...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S3M-8156, in the name of Kenny MacAskill, on the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I apologise for not being able to give you advance notice, and I am not sure, as it is the last day before dissolution, what can be done, but I am seeking...
1. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met college principals. (S3O-13399)
2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it is committed to a policy of no compulsory redundancies across the public sector. (S3O-13458)
3. To ask the Scottish Executive what criteria the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing uses when deciding whether or not to have meetings regarding issues arising from individual cases....
4. To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to fund its commitment not to introduce university tuition fees. (S3O-13473)
5. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the view of the Canadian expert on addiction, Professor Bruce K Alexander, and of many Scottish drugs workers, that addiction should be...
6. To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with Port Babcock Rosyth Ltd regarding the proposed development of a container terminal at Rosyth and its environmental impact on the...
7. To ask the Scottish Executive what its priorities are for tackling antisocial behaviour in communities. (S3O-13417)
8. To ask the Scottish Executive how many submissions concerning the proposed Leith biomass plant it had received by the 11 March consultation deadline and how many were objections. (S3O-13414)
1. To ask the First Minister what engagements he has planned for the rest of the day. (S3F-2978)
2. To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister. (S3F-2979)
3. To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Secretary of State for Scotland. (S3F-2980)
4. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government has done to support job creation over the last four years. (S3F-2982)
5. To ask the First Minister what support the Scottish Government is offering to first-time home buyers. (S3F-2986)
6. To ask the First Minister whether the Scottish Government considers that planning guidelines for renewable energy projects strike a balance between the interests of developers and those of...
The next item of business is consideration of motion S3M-8185, in the name of Alex Salmond, which is a motion of thanks to the Presiding Officer.
There are three questions to be put as a result of today’s business. The first question is, that motion S3M-8157, in the name of Alex Neil, on the Forced Marriage etc (Protection and...
It is with great pleasure that I invite the Presiding Officer, Alex Fergusson, to make his closing remarks and close this session of Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament is the national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh. The Parliament consists of 129 members known as MSPs, elected for four-year terms; 73 represent individual geographical constituencies, and 56 are regional representatives.