Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Good morning. Our first item of business is time for reflection, and our time for reflection leader is the Rev Tom Nelson from Netherlee parish church in Glasgow.
The next item of business is consideration of business motion S3M-8161, in the name of Bruce Crawford, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a revision to the business programme for...
We come to stage 3 proceedings on the Local Electoral Administration (Scotland) Bill. Members should have before them the bill as amended at stage 2 and the marshalled list. If the division bell...
The next item of business is the stage 3 debate on the Local Electoral Administration (Scotland) Bill.
The next item of business is stage 3 proceedings on the Certification of Death (Scotland) Bill. By this point in the session, members should know which documents they need in front of them, so I...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S3M-8126, in the name of Shona Robison, on the Certification of Death (Scotland) Bill.
The next item of business is stage 3 proceedings on the Public Records (Scotland) Bill. In dealing with amendments, members should have the bill as amended at stage 2, the marshalled list, which...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S3M-8129, in the name of Fiona Hyslop, on the Public Records (Scotland) Bill.
The next item of business is a members’ business debate on motion S3M-7682, in the name of Michael Matheson, on Denny town centre regeneration. The debate will be concluded without any...
Good afternoon. The first item of business this afternoon is a statement by Michael Russell on higher education funding. The cabinet secretary will take questions at the end of his statement;...
We move to the next item of business. While members are changing places, I inform them that they should have before them the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill as amended at stage 2; the marshalled...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S3M-8136, in the name of Rhoda Grant, on the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill. I repeat that we are very tight for time, so I ask members to stick...
The next item of business is a statement by Roseanna Cunningham on the report on proposals and policies on climate change targets. The minister will take questions at the end of her statement, so...
The next item of business is a debate on motions S3M-8130 and S3M-8140, in the name of John Swinney, on the Local Government Finance (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011 and the Local Government...
The next item of business is consideration of motion S3M-8179, in the name of Tom McCabe, on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, on the reimbursement of members’ expenses...
The next item of business is consideration of Parliamentary Bureau motions. I ask Bruce Crawford to move motion S3M-8167, on the approval of the Equality Act 2010 (Specification of Public...
There are nine questions to be put as a result of today’s business. The first question is, that motion S3M-8127, in the name of Jim Mather, on the Local Electoral Administration (Scotland)...
The Scottish Parliament is the national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh. The Parliament consists of 129 members known as MSPs, elected for four-year terms; 73 represent individual geographical constituencies, and 56 are regional representatives.