Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders

Part of 1. Questions to the First Minister – in the Senedd at 2:00 pm on 2 July 2024.

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Photo of Vaughan Gething Vaughan Gething Labour 2:00, 2 July 2024

Well, I go back again to the fact that people in this election have a choice about what to do: after 14 years of the Tories, is it more of the same, or is it change? I'm proud to say that my party represents change across the UK. That means that we need to ask people to vote for that change; that means not sending from Wales a minor voice of protest, but sending a government to Wales, to send Welsh Labour champions who will stand up for their communities and our country in wanting to change our country for the better. That is what is on the ballot paper. And if you look at taking things for granted, we take nothing for granted in this election, nothing for granted in our relationship with the electorate. We have a manifesto that looks to provide more powers for Wales, more funding for Wales and an improved partnership, one of respect, built on respect for devolution and the different nations that make up the UK. That is what is on offer on 4 July, and I look forward to seeing how the people of Wales vote. And if they do choose to invest their trust in our party again, I hope the Member will have the good grace to recognise that verdict, and actually to work with other people who want to see progress for Wales. I'm proud to lead a Government that will continue to stand up for Wales, and not be afraid to have the conversations we need to, and equally not be afraid to be proud advocates for the partnership that I believe we could have, with two Labour Governments working for Wales and Britain; not a voice of protest but a voice of government and change. That is what is on the ballot paper on 4 July.