The first vote is on item 5, the motion under Standing Order 26.91 seeking the Senedd's agreement to introduce a Member Bill. It is a proposal on British Sign Language. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Mark Isherwood. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, three abstentions and 16 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
The next votes are on item 7, the Welsh Conservatives' debate on Chepstow bypass, and I call for a vote on the motion without amendment. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 13, no abstentions, 31 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.
We will now vote on amendment 1. Open the vote on amendment 1, in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. The vote is tied—in favour 22 and 22 against. Therefore, I exercise my casting vote against the amendment. And therefore the amendment is not agreed. There were 22 votes in favour and 23 against. So, amendment 1 is not agreed.
We will vote now on amendment 2. Open the vote on amendment 2, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Close the vote. In favour 9, no abstentions, and 35 against. Therefore, the motion and the amendments to the motion have not been agreed, and therefore nothing is deemed agreed under that item.
The next votes are on item 8, the Welsh Conservatives' debate on nuclear. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 13, no abstentions, 32 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.
We will now vote on amendment 1. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. I call for a vote on amendment 1. Open the vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, and 22 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed and amendment 2 is deselected.
I now call for a vote on the motion as amended.
Motion NDM8617 as amended
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Supports the role that nuclear power plays alongside renewables in the Welsh Government’s plans for a green and fair transition to a low-carbon economy, ensuring all new power generated in Wales is zero emission.
2. Calls on the incoming UK Government to work in partnership with the Welsh Government to fully explore all options for a new station at Wylfa and future opportunities for Trawsfynydd, recognising the critical importance of collaboration in relation to relevant devolved powers.
3. Welcomes the proactive role of the Welsh Government, working with the UK Government, industry and partners, to support nuclear power in Wales in order to maximise the socio-economic benefits for Wales.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, 21 abstentions, and 1 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
There we are. That concludes voting time.
We will now turn to the short debate, and Rhys ab Owen will introduce that short debate once the Members who are leaving the Chamber have done so quietly.