Part of 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language – in the Senedd at 1:58 pm on 5 June 2024.
Diolch, Cabinet Secretary, for your answer. In those statistics, it did state that 28 per cent of Wales is economically inactive. Now, that's a huge figure and a number of people out of work. Cabinet Secretary, I'm not interested in a game of political ping-pong with you today, because behind any of those figures are real people with real experiences that we need to get back to work as soon as possible. So, Cabinet Secretary, can you outline today what the Welsh Government is doing to encourage people back to work, what programmes have you got in place for getting them back to work, because currently the programmes that you have got don't seem to be working? I'd like to know what your vision is going forward about improving these figures.