Results 9981–10000 of 17680 for apprenticeships

Written Answers — Education: Young People: Employment Schemes ( 5 Nov 2012)

David Laws: ...The programme targets 16 and 17-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and who are at risk of long term disengagement. It aims to support them into education, training or apprenticeships. We will publish the first set of performance data for the Youth Contract at the end of the 2012-13 financial year. Thereafter, the data will be updated and published every six...

Written Answers — House of Lords: Apprenticeships ( 5 Nov 2012)

Lord Fearn: To ask Her Majesty's Government how many apprentice schemes are currently in place in Merseyside.

Business of the House ( 1 Nov 2012)

Andrew Lansley: ...working in the private sector and an increase in employment of 750,000. The number of people claiming the main out-of-work benefits has fallen by 170,000. Furthermore, 950,000 people have started apprenticeships in the past two years, and more new businesses have been created than in any other year on record. That is happening under this Government. Only Labour believes in a plan B— B...

Written Answers — Business, Innovation and Skills: Apprentices ( 1 Nov 2012)

Simon Kirby: ...Business, Innovation and Skills pursuant to the answer of 24 October 2012, Official Report, column 912W, on apprentices: Brighton, what steps his Department is taking to encourage applications for apprenticeship grants for employers in areas of low take-up.

Oral Answers to Questions — Prime Minister: Engagements (31 Oct 2012)

Lindsay Roy: The importance of skills in promoting economic growth has been emphasised again and again in all parts of the House, so why did the number of under-19 apprenticeship starts fall last year?

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Employment Schemes: Young People (31 Oct 2012)

Mark Hoban: ...additional support to young unemployed people over the next three years. This includes additional work experience and sector-based work academy places; wage incentives for employers; additional Apprenticeship Grants for Employer; and help for the most disengaged 16 and 17-year-olds in England. In most cases the wage incentives element of the Youth Contract are paid after a young person has...

Written Answers — House of Lords: Illiteracy (30 Oct 2012)

Lord Marland: ...needs. There are no separate budgets for adult literacy provision. The Skills Funding Agency estimates expenditure of £190 million on literacy provision (including provision delivered through apprenticeship frameworks, functional skills, GCSE and adult basic skills provision) for learners aged 19-plus in the 2011-12 academic year. This figure is calculated using information submitted by...

Local Government Finance (29 Oct 2012)

Graham Jones: The Minister makes a good point, but it is almost as if he is re-reading a speech about the new homes bonus. There is no housing market in Hyndburn. We need investment in infrastructure, skills and apprenticeships, and, as he said, we need to clean up the industrial estates and attract business. Without the funding, we do not have the levers to make that an attractive proposition.

Oral Answers to Questions — Education: Vocational Education (29 Oct 2012)

Matthew Hancock: .... Following the Wolf review, we have reformed school performance tables to encourage the take-up of high-value vocational qualifications before the age of 16. From this September, all those in apprenticeships were required to study English and maths, but there is more to do.

Oral Answers to Questions — Education: University Technical Colleges (29 Oct 2012)

Matthew Hancock: their first exams this summer. [Interruption.] I am sure that Labour Members will be delighted by this great success. Many of the sixth formers have gone on to university and higher level apprenticeships. Five UTCs are open, and we are committed to having at least 24 across the country by 2015.

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Housing Benefit (29 Oct 2012)

Sheila Gilmore: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the number of claimants of housing benefit under the age of 25 who are (a) undertaking apprenticeships and (b) undertaking another form of training.

Written Answers — Business, Innovation and Skills: Apprentices (29 Oct 2012)

Chuka Umunna: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many apprenticeship starts under the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers scheme took place in each region in each month since February 2012.

Written Answers — Business, Innovation and Skills: Apprentices (29 Oct 2012)

Gordon Marsden: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will publish the provisional end-of-year data for apprenticeship starts in 2011-12 for people aged (a) 16 to 18, (b) 19 to 24 and (c) 25 years and older, by English administrative region.

Written Answers — Business, Innovation and Skills: Apprentices: Hastings (26 Oct 2012)

Amber Rudd: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will estimate the number of people who have (a) taken up apprenticeships and (b) successfully completed apprenticeships in (i) Hastings and (ii) Hastings and Rye constituency in each year since May 2010.

Written Answers — Business, Innovation and Skills: Basic Skills (26 Oct 2012)

Matthew Hancock: ...provision. The following table shows the Skills Funding Agency's estimate of Government funding made available for adult literacy and numeracy provision (including provision delivered through apprenticeship frameworks, functional skills, GCSE and Adult Basic Skills provision) for learners aged 19+ in the 2007/08 to 2011/12 academic years. The figures are calculated using information...

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Employment Schemes: Young People (26 Oct 2012)

Mark Hoban: ...young unemployed people over the next three years. For 18 to 24-year-olds, it will provide wage incentives and additional work experience places. For 16 to 24-year-olds, it will provide additional Apprenticeship Grants for Employers. In addition, £126 million has been made available to the Department for Education through the Youth Contract to support some of the most disengaged 16 and...

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 (26 Oct 2012)

Mark Hoban: ...contractual specifications and contract performance conditions that suppliers to the Department are required to meet. These relate to environmental issues, diversity and equality issues and use of apprenticeships in supply chains and are included in specific contract clauses and schedules that are subject to ongoing review with suppliers. These requirements will be reviewed and built on...

Business of the House (25 Oct 2012)

Andrew Lansley: the debate on the Growth and Infrastructure Bill, to see how we are creating that kind of environment. I would draw particular attention to the work being done through the youth contract and apprenticeships to ensure that young people are finding the kinds of jobs with skills training attached that will enable them to support industrial development in the future.

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