All 2 results for ons ons 03/09/2024..03/09/2024

Did you mean on "on" 2024-09-03..2024-09-03?

Covid-19 Inquiry - Motion to Take Note ( 3 Sep 2024)

Baroness Brinton: ...signs of increased cases and outbreaks. The cancellation of Covid testing unless you are in hospital or in a care setting means that it is very difficult to gauge the level in the community. The ONS and ZOE data were helpful. Will the Government reconsider that background data? The noble Lord, Lord Hannan, said that Covid is endemic. It is not endemic yet. I hope we are out of a pandemic...

Written Answers — Treasury: Pay: Young People ( 3 Sep 2024)

Tulip Siddiq: ...question, from which further calculations can be made. The statistics requested can be calculated for a typical worker on the minimum wage using the following data sources: average hours from ONS dataset HOUR01; inflation from ONS CPI series D7BT; historic Income Tax liabilities from HMRC, “Income Tax Personal Allowances and Reliefs”; historic National Insurance liabilities from...

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