All 3 results for hotel speaker:Sarah Edwards

Debate on the Address: [1st Day] (17 Jul 2024)

Sarah Edwards: ...that will establish a new criminal offence of assaulting shopworkers. In Tamworth, the Holiday Inn has been used for asylum purposes for years and the simple reality is that residents want their hotel back. Tamworth benefits from local tourism and, as I have said before in this Chamber, the Holiday Inn should be for holidays. I therefore welcome today’s announcement that the border...

Rwanda Plan Cost and Asylum System ( 9 Jan 2024)

Sarah Edwards: ...residents are concerned about the use of the Holiday Inn to host asylum seekers; the enormous backlog of cases means that many are still there. My constituents are concerned not only because these hotels cost the taxpayer £8 million per day, but because this hotel plays a fundamental role in the local community and economy. Some of these people have been living in the hotel for...

Autumn Statement Resolutions - Rates of Tobacco Products Duty (27 Nov 2023)

Sarah Edwards: ...always get a hot pork sandwich, complete with the crackliest, crackly crackling they will ever crunch. Or women like Sarah, who runs Christopher’s and provides the town with a gorgeous boutique hotel and restaurant. She kept the business going despite the turmoil that faced hospitality during the pandemic. The Tamworth Co-operative Society is still an integral part of the town and has...

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