Did you mean "s2m-508.2" 2010-03-10..2010-03-10?
Alex Fergusson: ..., in relation to the debate on aquaculture, if the amendment in the name of Dr Elaine Murray is agreed to, the amendment in the name of John Scott will fall. The first question is, that amendment S3M-5908.2, in the name of Elaine Murray, which seeks to amend motion S3M-5908, in the name of Roseanna Cunningham, on aquaculture, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Elaine Murray: ...in mind its contribution to health and our food security as well as to the economy. We must always bear in mind the need to develop the industry within safe environmental limits. I move amendment S3M-5908.2, to leave out from second "notes" to end and insert: "; also recognises the potential of the industry to increase the availability of healthy, environmentally sustainable,...