Did you mean "s2m-367.3" 2009-03-12..2009-03-12?
Alex Fergusson: ...note that if amendment S3M-3674.3, in the name of Stewart Stevenson, on the Aberdeen crossrail is agreed to, amendment S3M-3674.2, in the name of Alex Johnstone, will fall. Similarly, if amendment S3M-3675.3, in the name of Fiona Hyslop, on a minimum income guarantee for students, is agreed to, amendment S3M-3675.1, in the name of Claire Baker, will fall. The first question is, that...
Fiona Hyslop: ...and universities to parents and others, who have the right to respond to the consultation on student support and to be heard, without being pre-judged by the vote at decision time. I move amendment S3M-3675.3, to leave out from "believes" to end and insert: "notes the Scottish Government's consultation on student support, Supporting a Smarter Scotland, which closes on 30 April 2009, and...