Did you mean "s2m-333.1" 2009-02-05..2009-02-05?
Alex Fergusson: ...to be put as a result of today's business. I ask members to note that, if amendment S3M-3383.2, in the name of Andy Kerr, on borrowing powers for the Scottish Parliament, is agreed to, amendment S3M-3383.1, in the name of Derek Brownlee, will fall. The first question is, that amendment S3M-3383.2, in the name of Andy Kerr, which seeks to amend motion S3M-3383, in the name of Tavish Scott,...
Derek Brownlee: ...Mr Swinney's statement of funding policy, an area in which the Scottish Government can make a valuable contribution to the Calman commission, and I strongly encourage it to do so. I move amendment S3M-3383.1, to leave out from "would enhance" to end and insert: "could enhance the autonomy and accountability of the Scottish Parliament and improve the Scottish Government's ability to respond...