Did you mean "s2m-307.3" 2008-12-11..2008-12-11?
Alex Fergusson: ...to the debate on the ScotRail franchise, if the amendment in the name of Stewart Stevenson is agreed to, the amendment in the name of Alex Johnstone will fall. The first question is, that amendment S3M-3075.3, in the name of Stewart Stevenson, which seeks to amend motion S3M-3075, in the name of Des McNulty, on the ScotRail franchise, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Stewart Stevenson: ...growth. This is the right deal at the right time. It benefits passengers and businesses and supports sustainable economic growth. I welcome members' support for that commitment. I move amendment S3M-3075.3, to leave out from "expresses" to first "Transport Scotland".