All 2 results for "s2m 5655.1" 28/02/2007..28/02/2007

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Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (28 Feb 2007)

George Reid: The third question is, that amendment S2M-5655.1, in the name of Alex Johnstone, which seeks to amend motion S2M-5655, in the name of Sarah Boyack, on the future of Scotland's organic farming, be agreed to. Are we agreed?

Scottish Parliament: Organic Farming (28 Feb 2007)

Alex Johnstone: ...smaller to ensure its popularity. The report is an indication that the organic action plan is striking the necessary balance, and my message to the minister is steady as she goes. I move amendment S2M-5655.1, to insert at end: "but also recognises the high quality, environmental and welfare standards achieved by most Scottish farmers using a range of traditional methods."

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