Did you mean "S2M-386.4" 2007-01-11..2007-01-11?
George Reid: ...and emergency unit provision, if the amendment in the name of Andy Kerr is agreed to, the amendments in the name of Carolyn Leckie and Shona Robison will fall. The first question is, that amendment S2M-5386.4, in the name of Robert Brown, which seeks to amend motion S2M-5386, in the name of Murdo Fraser, on education, with specific reference to skills academies, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Robert Brown: ...has achieved a great deal, has reanchored our education system to the pulse of our country and has laid the foundations for it to be the best education system in the world. I move amendment S2M-5386.4, to leave out from "believes" to end and insert: "welcomes the priority given to improving education standards by the Scottish Executive, local authorities, schools and other partners;...