Did you mean "S2M-364.4" 2005-12-08..2005-12-08?
George Reid: The second question is, that amendment S2M-3684.4, in the name of Annabel Goldie, which seeks to amend motion S2M-3684, in the name of Andy Kerr, on future arrangements for health services in the Argyll and Clyde area, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Annabel Goldie: ...better provision of health services in the area. Indeed, they want that hand to be lifted and they want far greater restoration of control to patients and their local clinicians. I move amendment S2M-3684.4, to leave out from first "supports" to end and insert: "applauds the efforts of all clinicians and staff in NHS Argyll and Clyde, at this unsettling time, to maintain the delivery of...