Did you mean "S1M-158" 2000-05-17..2000-05-17?
Lord David Steel: The second question is, that amendment S1M-858.2, in the name of Bill Aitken, seeking to amend motion S1M-858, in the name of Wendy Alexander, be agreed to. Are we all agreed?
Lord David Steel: We continue this morning's debate on motion S1M-858, in the name of Wendy Alexander, on Glasgow regeneration. Given the number of members who wish to speak, even on a four-minute time limit it will not be possible to include everybody. I appeal to the opening speakers to keep well below their time limits if they can. I call Henry McLeish.
Lord David Steel: The answer to the point of order is that I have not received a request to make a statement. Glasgow RegenerationThe Presiding Officer (Sir David Steel): We move now to the debate on motion S1M-858, in the name of Wendy Alexander, on Glasgow regeneration, and on two amendments to that motion. I remind members that the first part of the debate will end at 12 noon, and that the second part will...