Did you mean "S1M-6.1" 1999-06-24..1999-06-24?
Lord David Steel: ...console is on. The vote of anyone who presses the button prematurely will not be recorded. There are five questions to be put as a result of today's business. The first question is, that amendment S1M-67.1, in the name of Mr Jack McConnell, which proposes an amendment to motion S1M-67, in the name of Mr Alex Salmond, on the privatisation of public services, be agreed to. Are we all agreed?
Sylvia Jackson: ...that there is a clear focus for negotiations with the private sector. Malcolm Chisholm has made some good points about how we can make progress on scrutiny and monitoring of that process. Amendment S1M-67.1 seeks to capture many of the points that I have made. It does not reject the notion of public-private partnerships, but recognises that our approach to such partnerships needs to...