Did you mean "S1M-370" 2002-12-12..2002-12-12?
Lord David Steel: I will therefore forward Kevin Dunion's name to Her Majesty for appointment as Scottish information commissioner. [ Applause. ] The fifth question is, that amendment S1M-3702.1 in the name of Alex Fergusson, which seeks to amend motion S1M-3702, in the name of Patricia Ferguson, on the approval of a Scottish statutory instrument, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Lord David Steel: The next item of business is consideration of two Parliamentary Bureau motions. I ask Euan Robson to move S1M-3702, on the approval of a statutory instrument. Motion moved, That the Parliament agrees that the draft Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions (Scotland) Order 2003 be approved.—[Euan Robson.]
Lord David Steel: ...alter the argument that the chamber has heard on both sides. The question is, that motion S1M-3706, in the name of Fergus Ewing, on the suspension of standing orders for the consideration of motion S1M-3702, be taken at this meeting of the Parliament. Are we agreed?