Did you mean "S1M-333.1" 2002-09-04..2002-09-04?
Lord David Steel: I have four questions to put to the chamber as a result of today's business. The first question is, that amendment S1M-3338.1, in the name of Bruce Crawford, which seeks to amend motion S1M-3338, in the name of Ross Finnie, on Scottish water supplies and public health, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Bruce Crawford: .... In the 19th century, the supply of wholesome water was considered to be a fundamental right. It is a disgrace that the minister cannot guarantee that in the 21st century. I move amendment S1M-3338.1, to leave out from "recognises" to end and insert: "believes that it is a fundamental right of Scotland's citizens to have access to a clean and safe water supply to ensure that public health...