Did you mean "S1M-27" 1999-12-02..1999-12-02?
Lord David Steel: We come to decision time. I must put six questions to the chamber. The first question is, that amendment S1M-327.1, in the name of Iain Gray, seeking to amend motion S1M-327, in the name of Mr John Swinney, on the plight of Scotland's pensioners, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Lord David Steel: Good morning. The first item of business is the non-Executive debate on motion S1M-327, in the name of Mr John Swinney, on the plight of Scottish pensioners, and amendments to that motion. In spite of the rather thin attendance in the chamber, I have a long list of members who have indicated their desire to speak in this debate. I realise that there have been some hold-ups on the railways...