Did you mean "S1M-154.3" 2002-05-29..2002-05-29?
Lord David Steel: There will be a slight delay, because the last vote went through without a division, but the machinery had already been started for a division. The seventh question is, that amendment S1M-3154.3, in the name of Lewis Macdonald, which seeks to amend motion S1M-3154, in the name of Kenny MacAskill, on Scotland's air links, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Lewis Macdonald: ...decisions on realistic assessment of what is in Scotland's national interest. On that basis, we look forward to meeting the challenge of developing air services in the years ahead. I move amendment S1M-3154.3, to leave out from "the importance" to end and insert: "the substantial and on-going contribution by the Executive and its agencies to the maintenance and development of air links...