Did you mean "S1M-177" 2001-03-28..2001-03-28?
Lord David Steel: ...card is out and that they are ready to watch the vote-now red light on their console. [Interruption.] I will not put any questions until the chamber is quiet. The first question is, that amendment S1M-1797.2, in the name of Wendy Alexander, which seeks to amend motion S1M-1797, in the name of Kenny MacAskill, on tourism and the economy, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Lord David Steel: ...selected an open question to the First Minister on foot-and-mouth disease for tomorrow, as is my prerogative. Therefore, members will have an opportunity to discuss the matter. We come now to motion S1M-1797, in the name of Kenny MacAskill, on tourism and the economy. There are two amendments to the motion. Judging by the number of members who have already indicated that they want to take...