Did you mean "S1M-129" 2000-11-01..2000-11-01?
Lord David Steel: There are no Parliamentary Bureau motions, so we move straight to decision time. There are three questions to put to the chamber. The first question is, that amendment S1M-1299.2, in the name of Mr John Swinney, seeking to amend motion S1M-1299, in the name of the First Minister, on the Executive's policy on official information and accountability to Parliament, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
Lord David Steel: The main debate today is on motion S1M-1299, in the name of the First Minister, on official information and accountability to Parliament, and two amendments to that motion. Before we begin, I should say that we intend to be generous in the time we allot to members. We finished the debates on ministers and junior ministers sooner than we had expected.