Results 1–20 of 50 for "tuition fees" 22/01/2003..27/04/2004 (section:scotland)

Did you mean "tuition feel" 2003-01-22..2004-04-27 major:7 major:8?

Scottish Parliament: European Union (Enlargement) (21 Apr 2004)

Keith Raffan: lessons from the Tories on referendums. They did not have one on Maastricht and they have only converted to the idea as a political ploy; they are currently full of political ploys, whether on tuition fees or on Europe. Mr Gallie should get off his self-righteous podium and remember the past. He took nearly half of his speech just to list the Tory leaders of the past 15 years. At the...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Student Finance: Student Finance (24 Mar 2004)

Jim Wallace: We are aware that those who are considering studying in England from 2006 need to know what support towards tuition fees will be available to them in order that they can make an informed choice in good time. We are currently considering a range of options and will make an announcement soon.

Scottish Parliament: Council Tax (18 Mar 2004)

Iain Smith: We built a majority in the constitutional convention to get the Parliament, we built a majority to get rid of tuition fees and we will build a majority in respect of local income tax.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (17 Mar 2004)

Murray Tosh: ...Parliament notes the 3rd Report 2003 (Session 2) of the Enterprise and Culture Committee, Report on Scottish Solutions Inquiry (SP Paper 67), on the potential impact of the introduction of variable tuition fees in England and recognises the importance of a healthy higher education sector to Scotland's economic development.

Scottish Parliament: Scottish Solutions Inquiry (17 Mar 2004)

Christine May: ...that whatever comes forward will meet the need for additional resources that the committee report identifies. I want to make two final points. The first is that, regardless of the issue of tuition fees down south, the recruitment and retention of staff, staff pay and conditions and so on must be dealt with and will require resources. Secondly—and finally—as a former lecturer in the FE...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Student Finance: Student Finance ( 3 Mar 2004)

Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive what additional costs will be incurred by the Student Loans Company if tuition fees in England and Wales are deregulated and what effect this will have on Scottish students.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Student Finance: Student Finance ( 3 Mar 2004)

Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive what research it has carried out into the effects of tuition fees and the graduate endowment scheme on attitudes towards study in further and higher education.

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Cabinet (Meetings) (26 Feb 2004)

Rt Hon Jack McConnell: ...from members—to the current debate on higher education funding. We have made no decisions on higher education funding, save for the important and principled decision that we will not introduce tuition fees or top-up fees for Scottish students in Scotland's universities. We will need to consider the higher education review that we receive from the working group that we established last...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Higher Education: Higher Education ( 3 Feb 2004)

Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive under what circumstances a Scottish student at a Scottish higher education institute would have to pay upfront tuition fees.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Higher Education: Higher Education ( 3 Feb 2004)

Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive how many Scottish students at Scottish higher education institutions currently have to pay upfront tuition fees.

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Prime Minister (Meetings) (29 Jan 2004)

Rt Hon Jack McConnell: In answer to the questions that Mr McLetchie posed earlier this week in a letter to me, I will be very clear. First, there will be additional money for Scottish universities for both tuition fees and research. Secondly, Scottish students studying at universities in Scotland will not pay tuition fees or top-up tuition fees, as I made clear in the chamber last week. Thirdly, income from the...

Scottish Parliament: Supreme Court (29 Jan 2004)

Mike Pringle: ...agree entirely with Robert Brown's point about the botched House of Lords reform. It was a shame that the reform was not mentioned in the Labour Party's general election manifesto, but neither were tuition fees, and look what has happened with them this week. A more frank and full discussion would have been preferable before the farce of the reshuffle last year, to which members have...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (22 Jan 2004)

George Reid: ...the nation; further recognises that its competitive advantage must be maintained; welcomes the commitment in the Partnership Agreement that the Executive "will not support the introduction of top-up tuition fees" in Scotland; notes that the Enterprise and Culture Committee's report on its Scottish Solutions Inquiry considers that the Executive's decision to respond to developments in...

Scottish Parliament: Education Reform (22 Jan 2004)

Euan Robson: ...needs. We will address that specific point next week, when we debate the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Bill. I advise Lord James that I was in the chamber at the end of the tuition fees debate and that we will pay careful attention to the points that have been raised. Robert Brown made some important points on the teaching of science, as did Elaine Murray. We will...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Prime Minister (Meetings) (22 Jan 2004)

John Swinney: I thank the First Minister for his answer. On Tuesday evening, Sam Galbraith said that the so-called abolition of tuition fees had been a con. He said: "In Scotland we have already accepted fees ... it is just a question of our universities being allowed to top them up." He also said: "The role for me now is to be able to say the things that others would like to say but are not able to do...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Cabinet (Meetings) (22 Jan 2004)

David McLetchie: ..., whether the charge is called a fee, an endowment or a tax, it is a liability; it is compulsory and it must be paid. The truth is that more people believe in the Loch Ness monster than believe that tuition fees have properly been abolished in Scotland. Scottish students know that that is a lie, Sam Galbraith knows that that is a lie and, I believe, deep down the First Minister knows that...

Scottish Parliament: Higher Education (Top-up Fees) (22 Jan 2004)

Kenny MacAskill: ...MPs to fail to vote would be an abdication of responsibility and to vote for top-up fees would damage and undermine their constituents and their country. Another aspect is the question of whether tuition fees have been abolished. I do not want to mull too much over the private grief between the Liberal Democrats and their Labour colleagues. The fact of the matter is quite clear: Sam...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Higher Education Bill (15 Jan 2004)

Rt Hon Jack McConnell: ...against important decisions in other priority areas. We are absolutely determined to ensure not only that Scottish universities retain their position as universities that welcome students without tuition fees, but that, in their research and teaching, they are among the best universities in the world. We will make those decisions having rightly made a comparison between additional spending...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Student Finance: Student Finance (15 Dec 2003)

Jim Wallace: The Scottish Executive is in regular contact with the UK Government on a wide range of issues, including the Department for Education and Skills proposals to introduce variable tuition fees for university students in England.

Scottish Parliament: Public Services (11 Dec 2003)

Sandra White: ...of Scotland. Talking of legacies, I want to turn to the other unionist party. The Labour Party has taken on the Tory legacy and developed it with even more vigour. We have had more PFI/PPP and tuition fees. Thousands of council houses have been sold off and have been privatised by being transferred to the private sector.

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