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Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Anti-racism in Education Programme (10 Oct 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: ...on immigration and empire. Our anti-racism curriculum principles explicitly address that point through the commitment that our children and young people will “understand and enquire into Scotland’s role in historical world events”, which is hugely important. That includes transatlantic enslavement and colonial histories and their continuing impact to this day....

Renters’ Rights Bill ( 9 Oct 2024)

Christopher Vince: ...spoken, this debate also has personal resonance for me as somebody who worked for two years at a homelessness charity in Harlow called Streets2Homes. My role was generally to go out, sometimes into woodland and industrial areas, to find reported rough sleepers, get them registered with our charity and help get them off the street and, quite often, into the rented sector. That is why I...

2. Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs: Sustainable Farming Methods ( 9 Oct 2024)

Huw Irranca-Davies: Thank you, Jenny, and I think you usefully shatter that false dichotomy between farming and climate resilience, or farming and biodiversity, or farming and nature. Actually, the best farmers are doing incredible work at the moment in doing all of that and quality food production as well, and sustaining our local schools and communities too, and the Welsh language. So, food production is...

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language: Neighbourhood District Nursing Pilots ( 9 Oct 2024)

Mark Drakeford: Well, Llywydd, thank you to Jenny Rathbone. I agree with her that the expansion of the community nursing teams has been a great success story here in Wales. It too began with a budget agreement with Plaid Cymru, as it happens, to mount Buurtzorg pilots here in Wales, learning from the experiments in the Netherlands. I know that the health committee of the time took an interest in all of this...

3. Statement by the Minister for Mental Health and Well-being: Mental Health and Well-being ( 8 Oct 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: —crisis centres now. But I'd really like to know how we have better crisis intervention services to prevent people going into in-patient care. 

2. Business Statement and Announcement ( 8 Oct 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: ...of flooding and drought, it seems to me is one that would merit a debate in Government time on how we manage both our rainwater as well as our sewage system, so that we’re not dumping our sewage into the rivers and seas, and we also have enough water when it doesn’t rain.

7. Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning: Tata Steel ( 1 Oct 2024)

Rhun ap Iorwerth: ...forward in how to build an economic future for those communities of Port Talbot and beyond. We'll be holding Government to account on that, and as I said earlier, the investment that needs to go into education is just one example. But people also deserve to know how this happened, and who allowed this to happen, and the fact that both Conservative and Labour Governments failed to grasp...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for Delivery: Perinatal Deaths ( 1 Oct 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: ..., but what discussions might you be able to have with the Ministry of Justice regarding speeding up the process? And how will you ensure that the recommendations from inquests are being embedded into the maternity and neonatal safety support programme? 

7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: 20mph speed limits (25 Sep 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: ...and then Flintshire has 956, and I just think the difference in two very similar areas has something to do with the competency of the local authority concerned and the amount of effort they've put into analysing what makes for sensible solutions.

Scottish Parliament: Qualifications and Assessment (19 Sep 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: .... However, it is vitally important that all young people have a clear and coherent senior phase offer, which aligns with pathways that are available in both higher and further education, and on into employment. The Scottish Government therefore supports the view that a degree of rationalisation of the senior phase will allow us to ensure clearer pathways that are less confusing for young...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Teacher Employment (19 Sep 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: ...remind him that, in this year’s budget, which his party voted against, we are providing an extra £145.5 million, ring fenced, to protect teacher numbers. If he wants me to put additional funding into that, I am sure that he will engage with me and members across the Government throughout the budget process on where that additionality might come from.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Teacher Retention (19 Sep 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: ...position, we have been able to support the deal this year with an additional £29 million being made available to allow for that improved offer, in recognition of the hard work that teachers put into supporting our pupils across Scotland. Ultimately, local authorities have statutory obligations in respect of education and should ensure that they employ the right number of teachers to meet...

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: NHS waiting lists (18 Sep 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: ...wouldn't be ethical. And the Darzi report highlights that 13 per cent of people in English hospitals are there long after their secondary care has been completed, and the need for them to move back into the community. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that there isn't a similar figure happening in Welsh hospitals. I happen to know that there are several hundred people in the Heath...

6. Debate on Petition P-06-1455, 'Protect the junior departments of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama from closure' (18 Sep 2024)

Jenny Rathbone: ..., but nevertheless, in the spirit of collaboration, it's not clever of them to be just marching ahead as if they were the only game in town, particularly as the tutors who put so much of themselves into teaching these young people were making so much effort to come up with alternative solutions, recognising that there was a financial problem and making concrete proposals to reduce the...

2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip: Prison Overcrowding (18 Sep 2024)

Jane Hutt: Thank you for that supplementary question, Jenny Rathbone. In fact, the very words that you said, that we need to prevent more people going into prison, were the opening words of James Timpson today. I hope many other Members across this Chamber will meet him. It was an inspiring and really hopeful meeting in terms of his mission and our shared mission to prevent more people going into...

Sir David Amess Adjournment Debate (12 Sep 2024)

Daniel Francis: hon. Friend the Member for Erith and Thamesmead (Ms Oppong-Asare). Given the new boundaries, it is a privilege to follow former Members who have represented parts of my constituency, including Jennie Adamson, Norman Dodds, Jim Wellbeloved, Sir Ted Heath, John Austin, Nigel Beard and Teresa Pearce. It is an honour to have been elected to this House and I am indebted to those...

Scottish Parliament: Programme for Government 2024-25 (Eradicating Child Poverty) ( 5 Sep 2024)

Shirley-Anne Somerville: ...experts. I certainly hope that it does, but I also hope that the Government listens to experts soon and takes that action in the budget, as it has the ability to do so. Members have gone into specifics in a number of areas. I do not have time to address them all but will endeavour to cover some of them. Paul O’Kane mentioned modelling. The Scottish Government has...

Scottish Parliament: Mobile Phones in Schools ( 3 Sep 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: ...-experienced young people. In addition, through mechanisms such as the virtual school headteachers network, for example, we have been able to support care-experienced young people and get them back into school when, perhaps, in the past they might, for a variety of reasons, not have been able to engage. We will always work with local authorities to that end. I have set out some...

Scottish Parliament: Gender Identity Healthcare for Young People ( 3 Sep 2024)

Jenni Minto: ...people’s services will be published this autumn. The Parliament is aware that we have already provided the University of Glasgow with grant funding to establish a programme of research into the long-term health outcomes of people accessing gender identity healthcare. The first outputs of those projects are expected towards the end of this year. Furthermore, in...

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Poverty-related Educational Attainment Gap ( 3 Sep 2024)

Jenny Gilruth: ..., and I look forward to engaging with her in that process to improve the outcomes for Scotland’s children and young people, but I very much hope that she can recognise this Government’s inputs into supporting our education system.

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