Results 9881–9900 of 9919 for worcester

Supply. (22 May 1924)

Sir Patrick Hannon: ...Gentleman also to take into sympathetic consideration a project of profound importance to us in the Midlands. He has had it before him. I refer to the project for improving canal navigation between Worcester and Birmingham. Birmingham stands to-day, in the front rank of the intelligence of the whole world. I venture to suggest to the right hon. Gentleman that if he would have a competent...

Orders of the Day — Trade Facilities Bill.: Clause 1. — (Increase of amount of loans which may be guaranteed under 11 & 12 Geo. 5. c. 65, and extension of period for giving of guarantees.) (12 Mar 1924)

Mr Robert Alstead: ...the hon. Member concludes, may I just tell the Committee of a case that has come to my notice this very day? A man in a very large way of business in the fruit-growing industry in the county of Worcester approached the Advisory Committee with a scheme for the resuscitation of a disused brickyard. In the City of Worcester bricks are needed, but this scheme has been turned down by the...

Oral Answers to Questions — Houses, Worcester (War Office Occupation). (26 Feb 1924)

Oral Answers to Questions — Houses, Worcester (War Office Occupation).

Orders of the Day — Trade Facilities [Money]. (19 Feb 1924)

Sir Patrick Hannon: one of the greatest commercial communities in this nation, and in Birmingham we desire to develop, if we possibly can, the enlargement of our water transport facilities between Birmingham and Worcester. Hon. Members of this House know that we have had a series of Commissions sitting on water transport for years past, and of all the futile and hopeless reports which have been prepared by...

Orders of the Day — King's Speech.: Debate on the Address. (21 Jan 1924)

Professor Sir Charles Oman: ...candidates were thus fined? None. Which looks like the national party—the party which can secure a large following everywhere, or that which, when it shows its head in Aston, the Hartlepools, Worcester, Darwen, Hornsey, Wells, the Isle of Wight, Barnstaple and many other places, receives the votes of less than one-eighth of the electorate? It seems to me that any claim that the...

Members Sworn. (15 Jan 1924)

William Pomeroy Crawford Crawford Greene, esquire, Borough of Worcester.

Members Sworn. (10 Jan 1924)

Right honourable Stanley Baldwin, County of Worcester (Bewdley Division).

Preamble ( 9 Jan 1924)

Commander the Right honourable Bolton Meredith Eyres-Monsell, R.N., County of Worcester (Evesham Division).

Orders of the Day — UNIVERSITIES OF OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE BILL [Lords].: Clause 2. — (Appointment of Oxford Commissioners.) (20 Jul 1923)

...;David George Hogarth, Esquire, C.M.G., Doctor of Letters;Francis William Pember, Esquire, Doctor of Civil Law, Warden of All Souls College.The Reverend Francis John Lys, Master of Arts, Provost of Worcester College;Percy Ewing Matheson, Esquire, Master of Arts; andAlbert Mansbridge, Esquire, Honorary Master of Arts; andA woman to be appointed by the Board of Education; and one additional man.

Oral Answers to Questions — Reparations and Ruhr Occupation.: Old Age Pensions. ( 5 Jul 1923)

Mr William Joynson-Hicks: ...present undertake to reopen the settlement embodied in the 1919 Ald Age Pension Act. In reply to the second part, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the reply given to the hon. Member for Worcester on the 28th June.

Orders of the Day — Rent Restrictions (Notices of Increase) Bill.: Clause 3. — (Power to suspend liability if premises unfit for human habitation or in state of disrepair.) ( 3 May 1923)

Mr John Whitley: With reference to this Clause, there are two Amendments which more or less deal with the same point. The first one in the name of the hon. Member for Worcester (Mr. Fairbairn) is not in the correct Parliamentary form, and that is why I pass it over, and call the second one. The hon. Member for Worcester can state his case on the second one.

Orders of the Day — Ways and Means.: Estate Duty. (23 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles Darbishire: the sense of saying these are temporary duties? Why does not the Chancellor of the Exchequer be a man and come out and say that he intends them to be permanent? He talked about the old lady of Worcester. Unless he can give us a straight lead on this question, that the Government is not out for Protection, the tenure of those benches by the Government will be very permanent for a short...

Orders of the Day — Customs and Excise.: Continuation of Duty on Tea. (16 Apr 1923)

...real pleasure. I disagree with much that he has done; I agree with a good deal of what he has done. I disagree with a good deal of what he has said; I agree with a good deal of what he has said. At Worcester, just before the Election, he made a statement which was extraordinarily true, and of which I venture to remind him. He said: One thing that stood out amongst the hundred and one...

Orders of the Day — Civil Services Supplementary Estimates, 1922–23.: Belief of Unemployment. ( 8 Dec 1922)

Mr Richard Fairbairn: ...may be a warning to them of what will happen to them in the country if they do not remember their responsibilities, having regard to the history of the past four years. It is because the people of Worcester were dissatisfied with the performances of the Government that they have made a change in their representation, after 37 years. I claim no merit for myself. What I have noticed in this...

Oral Answers to Questions — Education.: Secondary Education (Circular 1259). ( 7 Dec 1922)

Sir Harry Barnston: My right hon. Friend is engaged on official duties at Worcester.

Members Sworn. (22 Nov 1922)

Richard Robert Fairbairn, esquire, Borough of Worcester.

Preamble (21 Nov 1922)

Right honourable Stanley Baldwin, County of Worcester (Bewdley Division).

Oral Answers to Questions — Ireland.: Refugees (Relief). (19 Jul 1922)

Mr. MURRAY: Will the right hon. Gentleman read the letter of the hon. Member for Worcester (Sir E. Goulding) which appeared in the "Morning Post" and the "Times" this morning?

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill.: Clause 12. — (Income tax on, offices, employments and pensions to be chargeable under Schedule E.) (20 Jun 1922)

Mr Leslie Scott: It has been quite clearly decided for many years, and is undoubtedly the law, that travelling expenses cannot be deducted. There was the case of a solicitor who carried on his profession at Worcester, and, on certain days of the week, had to go to a neighbouring town some distance away, where he was clerk to the Justices, and he was told that those travelling expenses could not be...

Orders of the Day — Ways and Means.: Telegraph [Money]. (16 Jun 1922)

Mr Frederick Kellaway: ...advanced, the London, Bristol and Newport trunk line, also well advanced: the Glasgow and Edinburgh underground trunk line for cables; the Derby and Leeds trunk line (cable), the Birmingham and Worcester trunk line, the Colchester and Ipswich trunk line, the Newcastle, Durham and West Hartlepool trunk, the London, Brighton and Worthing trunk, the Birmingham and Derby trunk, and the...

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