Results 3721–3740 of 3755 for twickenham

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill.: Clause 11. — (Repeal of Customs Duties on Motor Spirit and Motor Dealers Licence Duties.) ( 6 Jul 1920)

Mr James Lowther: The first Amendment in the name of the hon. Member for Twickenham (Sir W. Joynson-Hicks) to insert at the beginning the words "Unless Parliament otherwise decides" is unnecessary, and the other Amendments in one way or another involve a charge. The question of the Petrol Tax and Motor Car Tax can be discussed on the Motion "That the Clause stand part."

Orders of the Day — Supply.: Ministry of Transport. (24 Jun 1920)

Sir Edwin Cornwall: Do I understand that the hon. Baronet the Member for Twickenham has finished his remarks?

Oral Answers to Questions — Russia.: Absorption in Industry. (28 Apr 1920)

Mr Thomas Macnamara: If the hon. and gallant Gentleman will go to Twickenham and see the engineering school there he will find a complete answer to his question. They are being trained there. As to the latter part of his question, I have no further information on the point. Perhaps he will put a question down.

Oral Answers to Questions — Russia.: Metropolitan Police District. (28 Apr 1920)

Middlesex.Heston and Isleworth Urban District Council: Warren Estate.Southall Norwood Urban District Council: Western Road.Staines Urban District Council: Worple Road.Twickenham Urban District Council: Site No. 5.Hendon Rural District Council: Whitchurch Lane, Hooking Green.

Orders of the Day — Income Tax.: Ways and Means. [19TH April.] (27 Apr 1920)

Sir Eric Geddes: ...that they were charged at a higher rate than they should be. The matter is one which I shall be very glad to consider before the Finance Bill comes forward. The hon. Baronet the Member for Twickenham (Sir W. Joynson-Hicks) asked whether it would be possible to alter the weight for motor-cycles from 7 to 8 cwt. This is a matter where we can probably meet the point, but I would not like at...

Private Business.: London County Council (Tramways and Improvements) Bill. — [By Order.] (22 Apr 1920)

Sir William Davison: ...are thereby hindering the suburbs from getting into and out of the centre of London. But it is not only these boroughs which I have indicated which have petitioned against the Bill, but places like Twickenham, Richmond, the Maidens, Acton, Teddington, Croydon, Kingston, Chiswick, Ealing, Hanwell, Harrow, Wimbledon, Tottenham, Penge, Beckenham, and many other places, the outlying parts, are...

Orders of the Day — Budget Proposals — Amendment of Law. (20 Apr 1920)

Sir Eric Geddes: ...for the motoring industry; and there is no differ- ence of opinion that the improvement of the roads should be paid for by those who use the roads. We all hope, as the hon. Baronet the Member for Twickenham (Sir W. Joynson-Hicks) has said, that, when the burden of debt is gone and finance is easier, the Exchequer may be able to take this burden, which a particular community is now so...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Transport Bill.: Clause 11. — (Appeal as to Bridges.) (13 Aug 1919)

Mr George Younger: I hope the House will agree with the Lords. The hon. Baronet the Member for Twickenham speaks without any regard for the future of the railways and without realising the tremendous obligation he is proposing to place upon the shareholders. I am informed that this obligation may extend to several millions, and, with enormous charges already imposed upon the railways and the entire uncertainty...

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Air Force.: Air Division (Naval Staff). ( 6 Aug 1919)

Mr Walter Long: I have been asked to answer this question. I would repeat the reply which I gave on the 31st July to a similar question by my hon. Friend the Member for the Twickenham Division, that there is no Air Department at the Admiralty. There is an Air Division of the Naval Staff, which advises as to air operations affecting Royal Air Force units working with the Fleet. This division is manned by...

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Civil Servants. (23 Jul 1919)

Mr Stanley Baldwin: proposed. The hon. and gallant Member will be aware, from the answers given by me to the hon. Member for the Kirkdale Division of Liverpool on the 17th instant, and to the hon. Member for Twickenham on the 18th February last, that it is only when a Civil servant goes on sick leave before or within one month of return to duty that his civil pay is reduced, and even then he receives,...

Oral Answers to Questions — Government Departments (Treasury Deductions). (17 Jul 1919)

Mr Stanley Baldwin: ..., no deduction is made on account of pensions for service with His Majesty's Forces. As regards pensions for wounds or other disability, I would refer to the answer given to the hon. Member for the Twickenham Division on the 18th February last

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill.: New Clause — (General Ride for Estimating the Annual Value of Certain Charity Lands.) (16 Jul 1919)

Mr James Lowther: The Clause standing in the name of the hon. Member for Twickenham (Mr. Joynson-Hicks)—(Road Improvement Grant) —is not in order. It involves a charge on the Consolidated Fund, and could not proceed without a Money Resolution.

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill: Clause 19. — (Staff and Remuneration.) ( 8 Jul 1919)

Sir Ernest Pollock: ...not go to a Division. It is a clear issue, and if we have to have a Division—well, let it be so. The speeches which have been made by my right hon. Friend (Sir D. Maclean) and the hon. Member for Twickenham (Mr. Joynson-Hicks) have been made by Members who have changed their opinions. The right hon. Gentleman, with all the energy and conviction of a pervert, has changed his views, and he...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill.: Clause 8. — (Power to Establish Transport Services.) ( 7 Jul 1919)

Mr Frederick Banbury: ...quite delusive. It affords practically no, or very little, precaution. It is absolutely necessary in the interests of economy that the Clause should be amended. I am glad to see the hon. Member for Twickenham (Mr. Joynson-Hicks) in his place, because in Committee upstairs he was in charge of the Debate when the understanding was arrived at that the amount should be limited to £1,000,000....

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill.: Clause 9. — (Extraordinary Traffic.) ( 7 Jul 1919)

.... Member mentioned the timber trade, and claimed consideration for it. In some districts particularly approaching the docks our roads are being spoiled and we have no redress. The hon. Member fur Twickenham referred to Victoria Street being so well made up, but at whose expense? It cannot be used for tramways, and is confined to the 'buses, while the 'bus authority paid practically nothing...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill.: Clause 17. — (Advisory Committees.) ( 7 Jul 1919)

Sir Ernest Pollock: I think the hon. Member for Twickenham has fallen into some confusion as to the purpose for which Advisory Committees are to be set up, and he has based his reason in favour of his Amendment on the Committee set up for the purpose of advising upon rates. There is no sort of analogy between the two Committees. Let me examine the Amendment a little more closely. The Advisory Committee proposed...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill.: Clause 3. — (Power to Control Temporarily Railways, etc.) ( 2 Jul 1919)

Mr George Balfour: ...tramways and light railways. The various undertakings mentioned in the paragraph have been protected to a large extent by the Clause adjusted between Ministers and my hon. Friend the Member for Twickenham (Mr. Joynson-Hicks) yesterday, but no protection whatever has been given or indicated in respect of tramways and light railways. The House has not informed itself of the true position of...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill: New Clause — (Saving for Statutory Harbour, Dock, and Pier Authorities.) ( 1 Jul 1919)

Sir Eric Geddes: As the Leader of the House and my hon. Friend the Member for Twickenham have already told the House, this Clause formed the subject of discussion last night and this morning between the Government and those representing a large block of Members of the House. The Clause which my hon. Friend the Member for Twickenham read has been agreed between us, and is now submitted to the House. In order...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill: New Clause. — (Complaints to Railway and Canal Commission as to Undue Disadvantage.) ( 1 Jul 1919)

Mr Edward Shortt: This Clause as it stands goes a great deal further than anything which is contained in the Act referred to by my hon. Friend the Member for Twickenham. That Act provides for the case of a railway company which has any system connected with two separate and individual docks, and which gives a preference to one of them. Suppose, for instance, that a railway company serving the docks at Hull and...

Orders of the Day — Ministry of Ways and Communications Bill: New Clause. — (Roads Advisory Committee.) ( 1 Jul 1919)

Mr James Lowther: I am not sure that the Amendment of the hon. and learned Member for Twickenham (Mr. Joynson-Hicks) would not come better as an Amendment to Clause 17. But perhaps it is a matter of taste, and he may prefer to move it now. Clause brought up, and read the first time.

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