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Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Prisons:  Full-body Imaging Scanners (18 Sep 2012)

Colum Eastwood: 8. asked the Minister of Justice what progress has been made on the installation of full-body scanners at locations within the Northern Ireland prison estate. (AQO 2449/11-15)

Northern Ireland Assembly:  Assembly Business: Exclusion of Minister (24 Sep 2012)

Jonathan Bell: I fully concur with the Member's point about the leader of the SDLP.  I would have liked to hear him say when he is going to propose a motion in the House condemning the behaviour of Colum Eastwood and his colleague Durkan, who paraded behind dissidents.  Does the D in SDLP now stand for dissident — sectarian and dissident?  They paraded behind dissidents and then the masks came on and...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Marriage Equality ( 1 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: The motion before the House is very welcome.  I recognise that there will be strongly and genuinely held views on both sides of the argument.  I hope that the spirit and conduct of the debate is cognisant of that and we do not stray into disrespectful or fundamentalist language on either side.  Those of us in favour of the motion need to be sensitive, aware and responsive to the arguments...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Invest NI: Working Capital ( 1 Oct 2012)

William Hay: I call Colum Eastwood.  Once again, I remind Members that they need to continue to rise in their place.  It is very hard from here to guess whether a Member wishes to ask a supplementary question.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Business: Exports and Finance ( 2 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: Will the Member give way?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Cohesion, Sharing and Integration Strategy ( 2 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: Given the events of recent weeks and the tone of some debates in the House, does the deputy First Minister agree that it is now even more important that we get this right and do so as quickly as possible?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Social Development ( 9 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: What is the Minister's assessment of the success and future of supported living schemes in Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Social Investment Fund (15 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: Given the delays so far, what guarantees do we have that the £80 million set aside for the social investment fund will be spent within the four-year timetable that was set out at the launch?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Culture, Arts and Leisure (16 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I thank the Minister for her answers thus far.  Does the Minister know offhand how much funding her Department has awarded directly or indirectly via arm's-length bodies to events or festivals that promote cultural diversity?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: The Disappeared (16 Oct 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I will begin by acknowledging the tremendous loss suffered by the families of the people who were brutally murdered and their bodies disappeared.  I offer my sympathies to them and to all those still suffering today as a result of our tragic past.  When I think of the 16 disappeared and the denial of their families' right to a Christian burial, I always think of a quote from Patrick...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister ( 5 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I welcome the fast pace with which the inquiry and the acknowledgement forum have been set up.  Will the Minister assure the House that the issue of redress will be dealt with as soon as it becomes clear what mechanism will be used for that, even if the inquiry has not fully reported?  Will she assure us that redress will be dealt with as soon as it is possible to deal with it?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Ministerial Statement: North/South Ministerial Council: Plenary ( 6 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: The deputy First Minister has expressed very clearly his understanding of how important the City of Culture — the UK City of Culture or whatever people want to call it — is for the city of Derry.  The legacy that that will have for our people will be very important for us all.  Can he assure the House that NITB will make a similar marketing effort to that made on the 2012 Our Time Our...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: A5 Dual Carriageway: Derry to Strabane ( 6 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: 4. asked the Minister for Regional Development when work will commence on the A5 section between the Derry City Council area and Strabane. (AQO 2800/11-15)

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Voting Age ( 6 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: Will the Member give way?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Adjournment: Planning Applications: Foyle ( 6 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: Thank you, Mr Principal Deputy Speaker.  I welcome the chance to speak about the opportunities that Derry has.  Unfortunately, there are not many people here to hear it.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Culture, Arts and Leisure (13 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I ask the Minister to clarify what she meant when she said in an earlier answer that the Brandywell would not be eligible for funding until at least 2015.  The people of Derry, and the Derry City supporters especially, will not find that acceptable or good enough.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Committee Business: Committee on Standards and Privileges: Report on complaints against Mr Jim Wells MLA (19 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I do not propose to speak for long.  I am sure that you will be delighted.  The SDLP will provide only one Member to speak in the debate, because we believe that there are much more important issues to be discussed in the Chamber today.  It is unfortunate that we have school students in here watching the debate.  I hope that Members are mindful of the fact that people are looking at this...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions: Employment and Learning (19 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: I thank the Minister for his answers so far.  Will he detail the funding for the project until the end of the Assembly term?

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Child Poverty Action Plan (19 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: It was the playwright, Sean O'Casey, who said that poverty is the disease that gets into the bones.  Therefore, I think that it is essential that we take our responsibility seriously in tackling poverty when it begins, and that is with children. We have heard a lot today about how serious child poverty is in this part of the world, and we all know the figures.  The Joseph Rowntree...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Executive Committee Business: Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill: Consideration Stage (20 Nov 2012)

Colum Eastwood: ...(The deputy First Minister).] No 4:  In page 1, line 7, at end insert “(2A) The inquiry may report recommendations on changes to law, practice and procedure to prevent future abuse.” — [Mr Eastwood.] No 5:  In page 1, line 8, leave out “amend the terms of reference of the inquiry at any time” and insert  “at any time amend the terms of reference of the inquiry by...

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